Meaning of Precede in Hindi - हिंदी में मतलब

Ayush Rastogi
Mar 08, 2020   •  2 views
  • आगे करना

  • से पहले आना या घटित होना

  • पहले आना

Synonyms of "Precede"

Antonyms of "Precede"

"Precede" शब्द का वाक्य में प्रयोग

  • Lysenko made his debut on the national scene with his 1926 - 27 experiments at the Gandzha - LRB - now Kirovabad - RRB - Experimental Station on winter planting peas to precede the cotton crop.
    लाइसेंको ने 1926 - 27 में गांड्ज़ा के प्रायोगिक फार्म पर शीतकालीन मटर को कपास से पूर्व बोने के जो सफल प्रयोग किये उनके कारण उसकी अंतर्राष्ट्रीय पहचान बनी.

  • Reverse Polish notation is a way of writing algebraic expressions in which the numbers precede the operation.
    उत्क्रम अनुलग्न संकेतन, बीजगणितीय व्यंजक के लेखन का एक तरीका होता है, जिसमें संख्याएं संक्रिया से पूर्व आती हैं ।

  • Post fix notation is a way of writing algebraic expressions in which the numbers precede the operation.
    अनुलग्न संकेतन, बीजगणितीय व्यंजक के लेखन का एक तरीका होता है, जिसमें संख्याएं संक्रिया से पूर्व आती हैं ।

  • Dominate Egypt ? If the military colludes with Islamists to remain in power, obviously it, and not Islamists retains ultimate control. This is the key point that conventional analysts miss: the recent election results allow the military to keep power. As aspiring Egyptian politician Mohamed ElBaradei correctly notes, “ it is all in the hands of SCAF right now. ” True, if Islamists control the parliament, they acquire certain privileges and move the country further toward the Shari ' a - as far, anyway, as SCAF permits. This maintains the long - term trend of Islamization underway since the military seized power in 1952. What about Western policy ? First, press SCAF to build the civil society that must precede real democracy, so that the modern and moderate civilians in Egypt have a chance to express themselves. Second, instantly cease all economic aid to Cairo. It is unacceptable that Western taxpayers pay, even indirectly, for Islamizing Egypt. Resume funding only when the government allows secular Muslims, liberals, and Copts, among others, freely to express and organize themselves. Third, oppose both the Muslim Brotherhood and the Salafis. Less extreme or more, Islamists of every description are our worst enemies. Mr. Pipes is president of the Middle East Forum and Taube fellow at the Hoover Institution. Ms Farahat is an Egyptian activist and co - author of a book about the Tahrir Square protests. A man walks by a graffito that proclaims “ No to military rule, ” crosses out a picture of military dictator Mohamed at - Tantawi and calls him a “ fag. ” Dec. 6, 2011 addendum: The text above refers to the USSR but Russia held elections two days ago that the U. S. secretary of state denounced for their “ electoral fraud and manipulation. ” At least they don ' t insult everyone ' s intelligence with 99 - percent results. Egypt ' s military rulers said Wednesday that they would control the process of writing a constitution and maintain authority over the interim government to check the power of Islamists who have taken a commanding lead in parliamentary elections.
    मिस्र पर नियंत्रण ? यदि सेना सत्ता में बने रहने के लिये इस्लामवादियों के साथ समझौता करती है जो कि ऐसा करेगी और इस्लामवादी अंतिम रूप से पूरा नियंत्रण स्थापित नहीं करते । यह मुख्य बिंदु है जिसे कि परम्परागत विश्लेषक भूल जा रहे हैंः हाल के चुनाव परिणाम से सेना को सत्ता पर नियंत्रण का अवसर मिलता है । जैसा कि मिस्रके उदीयमान राजनेता मोहम्मद अल बरदेयी ने सही ही कहा है, “ अभी तो सब कुछ एससीएसएफ के हाथ में है” ।

  • Suffix notation is a way of writing algebraic expressions in which the numbers precede the operation.
    प्रत्यय संकेतन, बीजगणितीय व्यंजक के लेखन का एक तरीका होता है, जिसमें संख्याएं संक्रिया से पूर्व आती हैं ।

  • We could have turned them into other creatures on the spot had We wanted and they would not have been able to precede or turn back.
    यदि हम चाहें तो उनकी जगह पर ही उनके रूप बिगाड़कर रख दें क्योंकि वे सत्य की ओर न चल सके और वे बाज़ नहीं आते ।

  • And if Allah were to impose blame on the people for their wrongdoing, He would not have left upon the earth any creature, but He defers them for a specified term. And when their term has come, they will not remain behind an hour, nor will they precede.
    यदि अल्लाह लोगों को उनके अत्याचार पर पकड़ने ही लग जाता तो धरती पर किसी जीवधारी को न छोड़ता, किन्तु वह उन्हें एक निश्चित समय तक टाले जाता है । फिर जब उनका नियत समय आ जाता है तो वे न तो एक घड़ी पीछे हट सकते है और न आगे बढ़ सकते है

  • No nation will precede its time, nor will they remain.
    कोई समुदाय न तो अपने निर्धारित समय से आगे बढ़ सकता है और न पीछे रह सकता है

  • Finally, encouraging democracy is clearly a worthy goal, but when the Middle East ' s dominant popular force is totalitarian Islam, is it such a great idea to rush head - long ahead ? Yet rushing ahead characterized Washington ' s initial approach - until the policy ' s damage to U. S. interests became too apparent to ignore, causing it largely to be abandoned. At a time when George W. Bush arouses such intense vituperation among his critics, someone who wishes him well, like myself, criticizes reluctantly. But criticize one must ; to pretend all is well, or to remain loyal to the person despite his record, does no one a favor. A frank recognition of shortcomings must precede their repair.
    अन्त में, लोकतन्त्र को प्रोत्साहित करना निश्चित रूप से अच्छा उद्देश्य है परन्तु जब मध्य - पूर्व की प्रभावी लोकप्रिय शक्ति अधिनायकवादी इस्लाम है तो क्या सिर फोड़ना अच्छा विचार है ? इसके बाद भी वाशिंगटन की आरम्भिक पहल थी कि इस पर तेजी से अमल किया जाये जब तक कि इस नीति से उत्पन्न क्षति अमेरिका के लिए इतनी स्पष्ट नहीं हो गई कि उसकी अवहेलना नहीं की जा सकती तभी इसे रद्द किया गया ।

  • Say," I possess not for myself any harm or benefit except what Allah should will. For every nation is a term. When their time has come, then they will not remain behind an hour, nor will they precede."
    कहो," मुझे अपने लिए न तो किसी हानि का अधिकार प्राप्त है और न लाभ का, बल्कि अल्लाह जो चाहता है वही होता है । हर समुदाय के लिए एक नियत समय है, जब उनका नियत समय आ जाता है तो वे न घड़ी भर पीछे हट सकते है और न आगे बढ़ सकते है ।"

