What Happens When We Regularly Connect With A Person Of Each Age Group?

Nirmit Shah
Dec 11, 2019   •  1489 views

So, I’m not sure you do spend time with people of different age groups.

But, I can assure you that you must have interacted with everyone. Everyone - I mean to direct every age group person. Knowingly or unknowingly we do meet with them. 

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Connecting Generations (Image Source - AskDentist)

Like once a month, you might have talked to your younger - elder cousin, or your grandparents or a kid living beside your home. It could be anyone. In fact with all age groups. 

But, if we observe wisely, then we can say that most of us are connected with them. Still not aware of it.

What I mean is, we do interact with them only when we are in need or vice versa.

That supposes most of us never make time to meet them, interact with them.

We’ve been told and taught that we are the average of 5-10 persons we are surrounded with.

And we also understand to have good people in it. Agreed with this.

But what if we end up with “so-called” good people. Those, who only say what you, me and we all wanted to listen or hear or know.

In believing we are in an open-minded environment, isn’t it possible - we may spend the rest of the life with skeptical mindsets? (*Skeptical - denying directly, kind of narrow mind)

Though we are in with good people or bad people. Being in the same area of interest always ends up in a narrow-minded state.

Because we all know that -

Every kind of information is limited.

Moreover, this is not to cut out our 5-10 friends around our circle. But to willingly connect with others too.

Yes, not interrupting your own friends' group or any other.

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Connecting different ones (Image Source : vancourier)

If it’s been asked to approach every kind of possible mindset person then what would be our genuine observation?

Some will list out types of mindsets. Some will navigate numbers of it. Some will Google it or search for it on YouTube.

Wait, you know what? Though we would try to think over these, there’ll always be a limitation of it.

Why? Yes - that limited information stuff

And this is where I’ve introduced myself to this thing.

To regularly connect with a person of each age group!

(Disclaimer) It will look cliche, it may sound like advice, but it’s not. I truly want to discuss it as a matter of question. Because I believe in living a life based upon own instincts (considering appropriate opinions)

Meanwhile, I thought to discuss it with you to clarify this approach as well.

Because - every information is limited, mate!

Connecting A Person (Kid To Teenage)

In some family events, mostly we all see the kids roaming here and there. Playing all around the event place.

I remember last time, when I went for the same, a kid of probably age 10 was drinking water with a fork.

Damn, yes with a fork. Hahah!

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Kids (Image Source : Intermountainhealthcare)

We often get curious to meet them. We get so excited to pull out their chubby cheeks and sometimes do childish expressions to make them laugh. Because they are always refreshed.

Well, connecting a kid or a teenager almost means to know a bunch of new ideas.

In fact, new creative ideas. Though some of them do sound lame & funny.

Interacting With (20’s to the '50s) 

Now, this comes to a little higher group.

Majorly, it’s a group of people figuring out their financial stability via holding a skill or a career.

Some go for freelance work, some go for a job where some do enters the world of business and etc.

I’ve worked as an intern for 3 months. Met people covering almost in 20’s to the 50's age. (Check out that writeup on internship here)

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People Of Mid Age (Image Source : Wrytin)

Most of the cases, we would find the person of this category either blaming & regretting or wasting their time in meaningless.

It may sound arrogant or mean, but it's true. 

However, some people strive throughout an entire day along with different struggles and hurdles.

Interacting with them totally allows us to understand what is actually going on in the market. The market of business, job or any career. It also helps to know their mistakes in their field.

Talking With (People Above ’50s)

I’ve told in the previous write-up (here) about my young friends where I meet them to play badminton in the club.

Jokes aside because they are above 30’s where 3 of them are above the ’50s. And apart from that, another I can remember is my apartment friend who is in his 60’s.

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Old Ones (Image Source : Simplyfunblogs)

Talking with them we can have a lot of experience of generation changes. Like, how was the world before one to two decades?

We can get to know their funny stories of childhood, school, college, work, etc.

There would be some of them who may be regretting doing what they wanted instead of what they’ve done.

Thus, talking with them, we do get an idea of understanding what today’s era is headed at. And other than this, more importantly, to have no regrets further.

Again, as it's a fact, that every information is limited. So does this.

Then, what’s new and interesting here? Is this what we are here right?

Let’s move to the conclusion.


Though it is also a limited information approach, we will always have an open-minded approach to performing this activity.

Because this is really a practical thing.

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Connecting Generations (Image Source : Edwardschurch)

Connecting with a kid, interacting with youngsters, and talking with older ones. All, in the end, we are understanding and observing.

To be more precise, we are allowing the point of view into our life. Not unknowingly but knowingly.

If we were asked to list out types of mindsets, then it would not be a good idea to do that. Instead to perform an activity to actually connecting regularly with a person of each group.

Regularly doesn’t mean to meet them daily. But to meet every one of them at least once or twice a month.

Hence, we could say that, this is what happens when we connect them.

  • Various point of views (Matter of perception)

  • Staying active, most of the time.

  • Affections in overall (Understanding, seeing how current affairs affects them)

Connecting every age group means connecting almost all mindsets. Those mindsets which sometimes we were not even aware of.

Again, connecting them is not to share your private life. A normal interaction is all we need.

P.S. - I’m thinking to visit old age homes, as lastly I had visited disable people association place.

Thank You For Reaching Out Here, Keep Spreading Wisdom!



Profile of Shatakshi Gupta
Shatakshi Gupta  •  5y  •  Reply
Connecting with others is a sense of being open and available to another person, even as you feel they are open and available to you. Other ingredients of human connection are empathy and compassion – we feel goodwill to the person we are connecting with. Examples of human connection are things such as the below: having a personal conversation about what is important to you with someone and feeling listened to and understood taking the time to listen to someone else and feeling real empathy for them helping someone else out of unconditional goodwill offering sincere gratitude to another and receiving gratitude from others catching a strangers eye and both smiling a shared experience with others that involves laughter and goodwill. How do I know if I’m really connecting to others? connecting to others By: Steve Ng 1. You are in the moment. When we connect with others, we are no longer thinking about what went wrong in the past or of our future worries. We are just fully available to the present moment and to the shared experience we are having with another. 2. You are being yourself. Human connection only works if there is honesty. It doesn’t work if we are trying to be something we aren’t. 3. You feel open – whether you feel good or not. Connecting with others often feels good. But this is actually not always true. Feeling enough trust with someone to share a sad experience or something you are upset about can be a very strong way of connecting with someone as well. 4. You feel empathy and kindness for the other person. Anger or meanness close us down to connection, as does judgement and criticism. Human connection is usually kind. Sure, we can feel connected laughing with others about someone else. But often afterwards there is a hollow feeling,
Profile of Nirmit Shah
Nirmit Shah   •  5y  •  Reply
Yes Shatakshi Gupta! There do lies hollow feeling. And as I already stated, in the end it's all about you. So, connecting people only means to gain experience from other person where most important is you yourself. If one is okay connecting minimum people around, then it's their choice. After all, it's you & your choice. Thank You for sharing this much from your side. Really appreciate your attention over here :)
Profile of Sachin Rathor
Sachin Rathor  •  5y  •  Reply
Aaj ka thoda long tha... Bt mst tha🙌🙌🤟
Profile of Nirmit Shah
Nirmit Shah   •  5y  •  Reply
Arre 😅