Marriage is the most auspicious occasion in a woman's life. What marriage basically means is a legal declaration of a man and woman as husband and wife. But is it enough?? Can a pen and paper decide the fate of two individuals??

Therefore what God has joined together, let no man separate. ( Mark10:9)

Love or arranged, in the end, it is all about finding love and being together till the last breath. We feel so deeply and madly in love once we are tied in a knot. All the vows we make to each other, all the sacrifices that we decide to do for each other, all the pain and sufferings that we are ready to undergo for each other. But does this always happen?? Are we just living in a bubble??

Is happily married a myth?? I don't know. Maybe yes, maybe no. But no marriage is perfect, and whoever says that they are living their fantasy marriage, is a lie. For the first few years is all well and fine. But as time passes by things change. When all the responsibilities come in, love goes out. Felling of fear and suffocation craves in. Felling of lost identity haunts. What happens next??

Pain changes people. Time changes people.

One meeting is never enough to understand an individual. Whatever is portrayed on the first day is just the best version of oneself. Don't we all put on our best attires on our very first date?? Why?? Just to impress right?? But are we really exactly what we show?? Or totally opposite.

Love is not, I do this for you because you did this for me. It is simply, I do this for you because I want to do this for you.

Love is a very beautiful feeling. It is heavenly, eternal. How do you know?? You just know when it's time. But it's nothing like what they show in the movies and dramas. While you find people rejoicing the fact that they have fallen in love, in maximum cases you would be shocked to know it is just lust. There is a hairline difference between love and lust. How do you feel when the pleasures of the heart are just converted into pleasures of mind?? Pretty broken right??

Do you know what it feels like loving someone who's in a rush to throw you away?? I suppose you are all familiar with this song. If you are then might just know what I am talking about. Love does not come easy, having said that no one still falls short of it. Ironic, isn't it?? Loving someone who doesn't love you back, is something we all have suffered from. But what do you do, when your love stays with you but is still in love with someone else?? How do you deal with that?? They say love hurts, I say the feeling of emptiness hurts. I say pretty hurts!

The feeling of violence hurts. How can you hurt someone you love?? How can you torcher someone you love and receive pleasure out of it?? You can easily back off when you are not committed. But what do you do after marriage?? How do you survive this?? They say adjust. You are a girl you have to adjust. But risking your life just for the society is it worth it?? The pressure of the society is immense, enough to leave you suicidal.

Someone once told me, more is never enough when you are in love. That someone happens to be right. After you have given in everything to save this marriage what do you get in return?? Abuses, torcher, feeling of despair and distress. So to all the ladies out there, who are stuck in the same situation. Who feels this over and over again, but can do nothing about it. Who feels no one would listen. Step out of it, it's your life, you get to decide for yourself. Never entertain abuses and torcher. Never adjust if you are not happy. You are no less than men, and you deserve to be happy. So stand up and fight for yourself, because if you don't anyone else will. Just remember, life goes on! With or without someone.

