The Need For Continuous Acceptance In Relationships

Anushka Srinet
Jan 11, 2019   •  59 views

The word ‘acceptance’ can have many cannotations. It has different meanings in different walks of human life.It is something when we recognize the other person for who he or she is and we heartily welcome them. We accept their highs and lows. Moment by moment we attentively embrace that relation, no matter what circumstances may be.

There are several aspects on which a relation is build up. We just need to analyze that what we want.

Acceptance and perfection reside completely at different ends of the road. It solely depends upon us what we choose, either perfection .i.e. we expect somebody to behave on our terms and conditions because ultimately perfection is when the other being acts according to us or we want to accept .i.e. we are psychologically ready to take a person for who so ever she or he is! We accept their flaws and we are ready to embrace them.

Acceptance and commitment are another building bricks which lead to a strong relationship.Commitment is that state when the other partner is aware that he or she is embraced by you fully, no matter if there exists lots and lots of disagreements. Commitment leaves no room for for disillusionment, dissatisfaction or disappointments, only acceptance.These two terms make it sure that there’s no hidden agenda behind any relationship.

Continuous Acceptance is the bridge that carries all the factors of a good relation to infinity. And it is the key to move on with life.

Acceptance is when we realize that CHANGE in any relation is acceptable. Because with time people evolve and they welcome change at every step and we as their partners need to get that. Whenever there’s a lack of acceptance there’s a toss in any relation. Toss for whether we want to be with them or not? We need to avoid this and avoiding this can be done by being vocal to each other. Because interaction solves a lot of issues between people.

Continuous acceptance of the evolving personality is difficult but imperative to keep the bond strong.
