Well, for all the satanist out there Eve is a character which has intrigued us in many ways.
For starters she is considered as the original sinner.
Eve was the first woman of earth.She was the product of divine creation. Eve appeared as a Complete, perfect woman. She was created out of Adam. She was specifically created for Adam as his companion.

Adam was created directly by the god from the dust of the earth and places him in the Garden of Eden. Adam is told that he can eat freely of all the trees in the garden, except for a tree of the knowledge of good and evil.Eve was fashioned out of the bone take from the side of Adam.

Fashioned out of man, she became man's counterpart and companion.
Eve was the most beautiful woman world has ever seen.

Adam was in perfect sense of innocence but it was not fair to him to be alone. It would be good for him spiritually, intellectually, and socially to have a wife.

He needed someone to love and bear his children since command has gone forth to multiply and replenish the earth.

She was pure and holy, with the divine image unimpaired. Created sinless,she yet became the world's first sinner and introduced sin to her children.

Forbidden fruit is a phrase that originates from the Book of Genesis concerning Adam and Eve in Genesis 2:16–17. In the narrative, Adam and Eve eat the fruit of knowledge of good and evil in the Garden of Eden, which they had been commanded not to do by God.

Adam and Eve were Complete strangers to sin.So it was easy for Satan to lure Eve into eating forbidden fruit.She gave into the temptation of fruit and ate it without considering the consequences of disobeying the god.

Adam didn't restrain the Eve from doing so. So when god confronted him, he not only blamed Eve but also god.

Eve was also the first woman to have a son who was a murderer.Her first son, also known as Cain murdered his own brother Abel.

