Did you just end up here on earth? Was it all an accident.

The bible says it wasn’t a mistake or an accident. It was a plan.

You didn’t just end up here. God put you here on purpose.

God wanted you here, and he had to have you here right now! Because he has a wonderful plan for you - something that only you can do.

Every single thing about you - the color of your eyes, your name what you love, everyday you will live - God knew before time began.

You are special and unique because God created you. You are so precious to Him. He loves you and cares for you because you are His child!

Even before you were born, He loved you. You began in God’s heart.

You are His. Made by Him. Made for Him.

JESUS loves you.


God Bless!



Profile of Jennifer Richard
Jennifer Richard  •  3y  •  Reply
Beautiful! God bless:)