Over Thinking, A High Rate Of Thought Process

Sakthi Parameswaran
Mar 06, 2019   •  30 views

Thinking too much without any trace of actively reacting to the situation to solve or to come out of it, is known as over thinking. Over thinking is that process which consumes your valuable time and energy. It stops your ability to think and it disables your reasoning power, making you lag behind in decision making skills. Once you start thinking too much, you struggle to come out of the loop of over thinking.


It all starts when you can’t stop thinking about a person or an incident. It is obvious that, you think too much about a person only because you care for them to that extent. Likewise, when you consider some incident to be very important, you cannot stop your thought process about it.Worrying too much about the past and being haunted with the bitter memories of the past and with the current problems, instill negative thoughts in you.

In many bad situations, you get the thoughts about the worst scenarios and not the thoughts about the better circumstances which you endeavored. This is very common among people, as they question themselves with hypothetical questions like, ‘what if?” and ‘why?’.


In order to overcome this habit of over thinking, one can follow the following ideas,

  • Indulging yourself in entertaining distractions such as watching television, listening to music and playing video games.

  • Involving yourself in bodily exercises and meditation can bring in peace to mind.

  • Planning and preparing yourself to solve the problems, instead of thinking.

  • Notice the time intervals in which you are thinking too much.

  • Analyse yourself and try to reason out your difficulties in tackling the problems.

  • Keep your main focus on active problem solving methods.

I would like to suggest some notable interesting books that anyone could read to overcome this high rate of thought process. Some of the books are, ‘CLEAR YOUR MIND’ by Steven Schuster ; ‘REWIRE: CHANGE YOUR BRAIN’ by Richard O’ Connor and ‘EMBRACE THE CHAOS’ by Bob Miglani.

It is essential to control oneself from thinking too much, as it stops the progression in one’s routine lifestyle.People must realize that, “Thoughts aren’t reality” and act accordingly to overcome the habit of over thinking.
