No person is perfect. No person knows everything. Some great person have said that our life depends upon the choices we make. So if we make a good choice it takes to a different path and if we make a bad choice it takes to a different path. So if we can't solve life situation it becomes a problem. In other words we lost the situation. The problem can be bigger and sometimes problems can be very small. Problems can be of different types like relationships problems, life related problems, studies problems, etc.

Sometimes we ignore these problems and move on since it was not a big deal or if despite of that problem everything going well. If we see the life as a map then there are so many paths. So if the problem is not solved then the problem persists and the path we taking are by avoiding the paths where the problem lies.

If you think you are going in a depression then ask some questions to youself constantly like -

  1. What are your objectives of your life. YOU WANT TO BE HAPPY OR SAD?

  2. Which life situation did you lost and how to win it? BECAUSE IT WILL COME AGAIN IN ANOTHER WAY.

  3. Consult your trusted loved ones(not necessarily family members). PAIN ENDS ON SHARING.

Firstly, may be you can't get to the point but eventually you will find the main reason for your problem. You can do it by going in memory lane. See through a different angle to the problem if it contains another reason. It will also help you to understand yourself better and get more answers. You can take help from your trusted person. That might not be your family members.

Hope it helps get you out of depression!!!! 🙂 ✌

