Things Indian Serials Teach Us!

Jun 17, 2019   •  108 views

1) Greatness ( Mahaanta)

Indian serials teach us to be great even if others do wrong with us. They teach us to never voice out our anger against immoral things and to always accept whatever is happening with a smile.

Got a wound?? Smile. Someone said something bad? Still smile. Have a nasty Sister-in-law who always tries to hurt you? Smile again!

2) The epitome of sacrifice

Indian serial protagonists are so sacrificial. They will sacrifice their everything for others. Money, jewelery, car in some specific serials even the house or their one and only child! For whom you might ask? For strangers, yes absolute strangers. Why?? Duh! They're great.

Stranger asking for a bread even when you barely have anything? Sacrifice it. The villain asking you something which you know they will misuse? Sacrifice it.

You are the epitome of sacrifice afterall! Aren't you?

3) To have absolutely no self-respect

The people particularly the women in Indian serials teach us to not have even a tinge of self-respect and to come back asking for forgiveness when you actually haven't done anything wrong. They come back to their in-laws place even when they had been hurled out forcefully. They are nice to you despite you being rude as hell to them.

Got in-laws who just threw you out of the house without any reason but said 'sorry' to you later on?? Come back.

Got a husband who abuses you even when you are actually more talented than him?? Don't speak a word.

Got a Bhabhi who apparently tried to kill you?? There you go, don't even file a complaint.

4) Re-births are miracles that happen often

These people are so blessed that their standing on one leg with an earthen lamp on one hand has the ability to magically wake the deceased from their death beds when even the doctors can't!

Husband/Wife in death-bed? Pray with diya in one hand and they'll magically wake up.

Comatose family member? Do the same and within minutes they will be fit and fine.

5) Memory loss

Memory losses in Indian soaps happen as regularly as Accidents or heart attacks in the same ones. Even if you as much as push the 'victims' against a table they happen to somehow get a cut on the forehead and what does a cut on forehead mean?? Any guesses? Yes, Memory loss! Even their damn scripted doctor is like 'the injury is deep' like how on earth?

6) Eavesdropping

If there's any easily visible eavesdropper in the world, it is here, it is here, it is here. Still nobody is able to identify them(can't they even hear these creeps thinking out aloud?)

Are Indian TV serials teaching us anything?

There are many more idiotic things which such shows portray. But if these daily soaps are foolish enough to showcase such illogical moments aren't we dumb enough to watch these with a gaping mouth only to complain later?

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Profile of Amatulla Challawala
Amatulla Challawala  •  5y  •  Reply
The best wrytup ever!!!!