SMILE-It is the most beautiful beauty word. A baby with a smile could blow away all our worries.

But How? Smile reflects our innermost beauty.It has the magical power to make ourselves and others happy.

Peace Begins With Smile-MOTHER TERASA

When we notice clearly, a person with a smile attracts more persons .

It breaks the silent knot,shyness and hesitation in coversation.

Similarly ,a person with bold smile gives positive impression in interviews.

It doesnot mean smile could guarantee a job, but it never fails to impress the interviewee.

Smile could bring out kindness and empathy in a person.

In this Fast World, smile smile from complete stranger could give more strength.

Remember to share that beautiful curve to everyone you meet,

Imagine a world full of beautiful smiles. your smile could light anyone's mind,have it with you always.

