We humans have the power to think. We create thoughts sometimes knowingly and other times unknowingly. And with the creation of thoughts we also at times are in a situation where our mind generates lots of questions!

As curious creatures we want answers to every question that arises out of our brains.
Some answers can be googled but some answers aren’t discovered that effortlessly.
As our mind generates questions, so does our heart.And the questions that the heart asks, well answering them is a hard task.

We are often left in situations when, even after having all the answers we feel something is missing. Our heart asks questions that allows us to think about ourselves, it questions our emotions, our thoughts and about the way we are.

We are often left unanswered in the matters of heart.
There are times when we raise questions on ourselves, about our worth, about our character.
There are instances when nobody else but we demean ourselves.
Why do I look like this? I have an ugly body.
Why am I so timid?
I can never be good at anything.
Why can’t I look that gorgeous?

It’s sad, but true that so many of us have to fight this battle of convincing ourselves that we exist for good, that we matter. It’s not easy for some to believe in the fact that they are good at something, because they seek for validation from others. It is good to ask for opinions from others but it is so not good to depend on those opinions to determine your own worth.

For some, it is not the strong wind outside that disturbs them, it is the storm within them that is their biggest obstacle to overcome.

We seek for an easy solution for such queries too. And we think wouldn’t it be easier if we too had a mirror like the Evil Queen in Snow White?

We wouldn’t have to live with the suspense, we wouldn’t have to deal with the pain, right?

Well, let me tell you a magical secret. {You’ll have to believe in it, for it work on you}

There exists a mirror like that. It really does!
Are you wondering where?
Well it’s within every person who has read this article. But the thing is you can access that mirror only for yourself. There aren’t any other opinions allowed.

It might sound all philosophical, but it’s true, there exists a mirror within the heart of every human, a mirror that reflects your truth. Sooner or later one has to believe in what the mirror reflects.

And if the reflection isn’t suitable then change what is needed to be changed.
But in the end, make sure you fall in love with your reflection.

