We have created a list of 6876 unique and meaningful baby boy names that start with letter A. This is Page 9 out of 35 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby boy names.
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Adelmar: A very famous noble person
Adelmo: A hard and preserving noble
Adelmund: One who is of noble birth, born noble
Adelram: A dark noble or a noble raven
Adelredus: A red-haired noble person
Adelric: A noble and honourable commander
Adelrik: An aristocrat commander
Adem: Virtuous, fair, pure, moral.
Adem: Hebrew - Man, Old Greek - Manly; Brave
Ademar: One who is popular for his kindness
Ademir: Noble protector
Ademola: Crown is Added to My Wealth
Aden: Handsome, adorned
Adeniyi: The value or honour of a crown
Adenya: First, Winner; Highest quality
Adepero: The crown has bring peace
Aderet: One who is glorious, a moshav in Israel
Adesa: A decree or an order from higher authority
Adesanya: My pains have been compensated with the arrival of this child.
Adesh: Command, Message; means instruction in Sanskrit
Adeshola: One who is crowned to bring wealth
Adeshpal: One who protects or defends an order
Adeshwar: God , Supreme Being; Creator
Adesola: A child crowned with wealth.
Adestan: One who follows the orders
Adesvara: One who gives order or decree
Adetayo: Crown has brought us great joy.
Adetokunbo: A Nigerian name of Yoruba decent. Ade means 'crown
Adetola: The crown can be measured to wealth.
Adetope: The crown is worthy of praise.
Adetosoye: The crown is entitled to the throne.
Adey: A short form of Adam, of the earth
Adgar: A happy and peaceful spear
Adh: One who is from or of someone or something
Adham: Black
Adhamb: Straightforward, Lord Shiva; Free from deceit
Adhana: One without Money and worldly desires
Adhara: Lips, signifies softness
Adharma: Something wrong or against moral values
Adharmaka: One who is Always Egger to Destroy, Saviour from destruction
Adharsh: Inspiration, Influencer; Divinity personified to inspire Soul; Sun
Adharshana: The base moment of time
Adharva: the first of all Vedas or Lord Ganesha
Adhavan: Brilliant, Man of World; Sun; A variant of name Adavan
Adhavaryu: Prayer, a worship towards God; Hope; Chance
Adhavaya: Who is one or united
Adheash: Ruler, Chief; Sovereign; Governor
Adheep: A king or a ruler
Adheer: Restless, one who never rests
Adheera: Impatient, eagerly desirous; a variant name of Adheer
Adheesh: Ruler, Emperor; King
Adheesha: Ruler, Emperor; King; A variant name of Adheesh
Adheeshwar: The Lord or the kings and rulers
Adhesh: A Command, message; One who brings God's words
Adhesht: Without envy or anger
Adhiarja: Safety
Adhibhan: A leader or one who is born to win
Adhibu: One who is superior of all
Adhideva: Supreme God, Creator of Universe; One of many names of Lord Shiva
Adhidevata: The most important Lord or God
Adhiguna: The first or the most important quality
Adhik: Greater, Skillful Expert; More than One; Admirable Great Person
Adhikar: Power, Rights; one who has the strength to act
Adhikara: Principal, Controller; One with power and rights; A derivative name of Adhikar
Adhikaraj: The greatest rule or reign or power
Adhikavi: First Poet, A variant of name Adikavi
Adhikshita: The chief or the head, the Lord
Adhikshitha: The Lord or the head
Adhiksit: King, Lord; Supreme and Almighty Power; Emperor
Adhiksita: One who is the head or chief of all
Adhila: The Censurer
Adhinatha: The Lord of the greatest
Adhip: King, Ruler; Supreme and Almighty Power; Emperor
Adhipa: King, Ruler; Supreme and Almighty Power; Emperor
Adhir: One who is impatient
Adhiraiyan: Name of Lord Shiva in Tamil
Adhiraj: King, Ruler; Supreme and Almighty Power; Emperor
Adhiraja: The greatest king or the greatest ruler
Adhirath: The greatest charioteer, Lord Krishna
Adhiratha: A great chariot warrior
Adhirohna: The mounting or ascending or rising above
Adhisa: The kind or an emperor
Adhisankaran: Lord of everything - Shiva, Supreme God
Adhish: Supreme God, Creator of Universe; One of many names of Lord Shiva
Adhishesh: Abundant, Plentiful; Surplus; Adequate; more than self sufficient
Adhishree: The most respectful king
Adhishwar: Supreme Power, Creator of Universe; One of many names of Lord Shiva
Adhisvara: The king of the kings, the highest monarch
Adhit: Scholarly, Intelligent; Wise; Bestowed with Knowledge; Noble
Adhita: A Scholar, Bestowed with Knowledge; A derivative name from Adhit
Adhithan: The wealthiest king, the king of wealth
Adhiyamaan: The king of the sun, a solar king
Adhrgu: One who knows the co-existence
Adhrit: The One who Don't Need Any Support but Supports Everything
Adhrsya: One who is secure against any attack
Adhrta: One who cant be controlled, unrestrained, Lord Vishnu
Adhrutha: One of many names of Lord Vishnu
Adhunik: Latest, Modern; New; Fresh
Adhusudan: The slaughter, greatest slayer of demon
Adhvait: Unique, Exclusive; Something that has no equivalent
Adhvaith: One who has no duality, a unique
Adhvara: A sacrifice, one who cannot cause an injury
Adhvaryu: The chief priest, one who perform Hindu rituals of sacrifice
Adhya: First Power, Sunday
Adhyaksh: One who Controls or Organize Something, A derivative name from Adhya
Adhyan: One who is rising , Coming up;
Adhyansh: One who is respected or honoured
Adhyanth: One who is the beginning and end too
Adhyatman: The superior most person, supreme
Adhyay: Chapter, part of something; one of many names of Goddess Durga
Adhyaya: A chapter, or a lesson
Adi: The first or foremost, primeval
Adi shakti: The primeval power
Adi shankara: One who brings about prosperity and happiness
Adib: A scholar, well-mannered, cultured
Adiban: Leader, Director; Guide
Adidaitya: The primary or the first evil or demon
Adideva: The first or primary Lord
Adidhar: Base for Something, Foundation; Support
Adie: Celtic - Little Fire, Hebrew - Man; Latin - Man from Hadria, dark one
Adiel: Hebrew - ornament of God, Arabic - Being Just, Honest, A variant of name Adil
Adiish: King or Master, Ruler and one with supreme power
Adika: The first child of the second husband
Adikara: The primary creator, Lord Brahma
Adikavi: First Poet,
Adikurma: The first or original tortoise
Adil: Sincere
Adilbek: A just and fair master or chieftain
Adilet: Justice
Adilkhan: A just and fair ruler or leader
Adilshah: The king of justice and equality
Adilzhan: A just, fair soul
Adim: In Hebrew - Man, A variant of name Adam
Adima: In German it means noble. In Sanskrit it means Primitive or original
Adimoolam: The primary roots of a person
Adimoolan: From the primary root
Adimula: The primitive root or a person
Adimurti: The primary or first idol, Lord Vishnu
Adinarayan: Lord Vishnu, Lord of the Universe
Adinarayana: Lord Vishnu, The First Protector of Beings; A derivative of Adinarayan
Adinath: One of many names of Lord Vishnu, Lord of Universe
Adinatha: The first or primary Lord, Lord Vishnu
Adindra: Supreme God, Creator of Universe; One of many names of Lord Shiva
Adio: The name inspires one to be righteous and walk on the correct path.
Adipa: To light a fire or a shining light
Adipursh: Lord Vishnu, Lord of the Universe
Adipurush: Primordial Being
Adiputera: First son or first prince.
Adir: Describing God a s strong and mighty
Adiraj: One who has No Limits, Supremacy over everything;
Adiraja: The first king of a dynasty
Adiran: Latin - Man from Hadria, Dark One; A variant form of Adrian
Adiratha: The primary charioteer
Adisa: Clear Spoken Person - African
Adisankara: The first prosperity of happiness
Adisesan: The primal remains or residue
Adisesh: One of many names of Lord Vishnu, Lord of Universe
Adishankar: Shi Shankaracharya, Founder of Adwaithya Philosophy
Adishanker: Shi Shankaracharya, Founder of Adwaithya Philosophy
Adishesh: God of Serpent's, One of many names of Lord Vishnu; Lord of Universe
Adishree: The primal exalted person
Adishvar: The primal Lord, the first Lord
Adishwar: One of many names of Lord Vishnu, Lord of Universe
Adishwara: One name form of Lord Shiva,
Adisimah: The primal lion or the primal boundary
Adisisira: The primary head for religious sacrifice
Adison: A Variant of name Addison, Son of Adam
Adisri(aadisree): The primary noble or honoured person
Adisson: Son of Adam
Adisur: An Entry Point into a Dispute, Beginning of Dispute; Name to applaud Lord Vishnu
Adisura: One of many names of Lord Vishnu, Lord of Universe; A variant name of Adisur
Adisvara: The supreme Lord
Adisyn: The son or offspring of Adam
Adit: From the Beginning, Source of energy; in reference to Sun
Aditaya: The Sun, Source of energy ; represents the radiance and brightness of Sun
Aditey: Another Name of the Sun , represents the radiance and brightness of Sun
Aditeya: Another Name for the Sun , represents the radiance and brightness of Sun
Adith: Lord of the sun, or peak
Adithan: The leader who belongs to the Sun
Adithya: Sun God, Son of Adithi ; represents the radiance and brightness of Sun
Adithyakaushik: The friend of Lord of Sun
Aditi: Guest, Mother of God; The Earth; representing the hospitable nature
Aditiya: The sun-God, Lord of Sun
Aditpal: One who protects the sun, protector of sun
Aditpreet: The lover of sun, one who infatuate sun
Aditya: Lord of the sun
Aditya vardhan: Augmented by glory
Adityanandan: Son of the Sun , represents the radiance and brightness of Sun
Adityanandana: Son of the Sun , represents the radiance and brightness of Sun
Adityapreet: One who loves the Lord of sun
Adityavardhan: One who Embellishes the Sun , A variant of name Aditya
Adityavardhana: Increases Glory, Augmented by the Sun ; A variant of name Aditya
Adityesa: Lord of Sun, Lord Krishna
Adityesha: Very High or Big Desires, One with lot of wishes and cravings
Adiv: A delicate or gentle person
Adivaki: The primal seer, Lord Brahma
Adiy: A acquaintance of Prophet Mohammad
Adiya: Jewel, Gods Treasure; precious possession; A gem stone to treasure
Adiyaman: Always Shines, Black Bird
Adjo: One who is born on a Monday.