We have created a list of 6876 unique and meaningful baby boy names that start with letter A. This is Page 10 out of 35 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby boy names.
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Adjovi: Prince, Monarch; Member of Royal Family
Adken: Oaken, A variant of Adkin which means Man in Hebrew
Adkins: Son of Aiken, A variant of Adam
Adkyn: Oaken, A variant of Adkin which means Man in Hebrew
Adl: Justice or an utterly just person
Adlai: My witness
Adlar: The eagle or the quality of eagle
Adlard: A strong or brave noble
Adlartok: Clear sky
Adlee: In Biblical it means One who is judged by God. In Turkic it means just or fair
Adleigh: The god is my judge
Adler: One who is like an eagle
Adley: Just
Adli: Just, wise
Admaa: The earth or the soul
Admani: The fire or a burning fire, flames
Admetos: One who cannot be tamed.
Admiral: A high rank in the navy
Admon: Red peony
Admya: Something very difficult or tough
Adna: The pleasure or delight, pleasureful
Adnah: A small or delightful or pleasurable
Adnan: Proper name
Adne: The one who is like an eagle
Adney: Noble's island
Adnromeda: A mindful person off a man
Adny: Lives on the Noble's Island, A variant of Adney
Ado: Awe-inspiring, Highborn; Without Further Ceremony; Noble; Nobility
Adoff: A noble or honourable wolf
Adol: Stable or without any movement
Adolchit: One who has a stable mind
Adolf: A noble wolf, title of Hitler
Adolfo: Noble wolf
Adolfus: A noble wolf
Adolph: A kind and honourable wolf
Adolphe: An aristocrat wolf
Adolpho: Spanish variant of Adolf, Noble wolf
Adolphus: noble wolf, A derivative of name Ado
Adom: Help from Go, (Akan Origin)
Adon: Lord
Adonai: My lord
Adone: The Lord, or the God
Adoni: The Lord of lightening, or the lightening Lord
Adoniah: The Lord is my Yahweh
Adonias: The Lord is my ruler
Adoniram: My Lord is of high esteem and honour
Adonis: A handsome young man loved by aphrodite in mythology
Adorbad: Adorbad is a form of the religious writings of the Zarathushti religion.
Adorjan: Person from Hadria (Latin Origin), A variant of Adrian
Adragain: The sea of ingenuity
Adraksh: Lightning, One who is like a flash of Light
Adras: Means Manly in Greek
Adrean: Latin - Man from Hadria, Dark One; A variant form of Adrian
Adred: The old counsel, the aged
Adree: In Hebrew it means majesty of God. In Sanskrit it means Rock
Adriaan: A man from hadria
Adrian: Water, or a sea of water
Adriana: From hadria
Adrianna: From harida
Adriano: Latin - Man from Hadria, Dark One; A variant form of Adrian
Adrians: From Adria
Adrianu: Sicilian form of Hadrianus. It means from Hadria.
Adrianus: Latin - Man from Hadria, Dark One; A variant form of Adrian
Adric: one who is a blessed ruler
Adriel: The collection of Gods, followers of God
Adrien: Latin - Man from Hadria, Dark One; A variant form of Adrian
Adrienn: From hadria
Adrienne: From hadria
Adrigu: One who climbs to the mountains
Adrij: one who belongs to the Mountains
Adrik: One who is from Hadria, dark person
Adrindra: Lord of the mountains, Himalayas
Adrion: Latin - Man from Hadria, Dark One; A variant form of Adrian
Adripata: The owner of mountains
Adripathi: Lord of the Immovable, Lord of Mountain; Refers to Himalayas; Name form of Lord Shiva
Adripati: Lord of the Immovable, Lord of Mountain; Refers to Himalayas; Name form of Lord Shiva
Adriraj: The King or monarch of mountains
Adriraja: The Ruler or emperor of mountains
Adrisa: The mountain God, Lord of mountains
Adrisar: One who is strong like iron
Adrisht: One who is shapeless, shapeless person
Adrishya: One who is not visible to the naked eyes
Adron: Latin - Man from Hadria, Dark One; A variant form of Adrian
Adrsh: Sanskar, Ideal;
Adrupa: One who consume earth, a son of Bali
Adrus: A form of Andrew, a diligent and sociable individual
Adrut: Slow, Gradual;
Adryan: A dark person, belongs to the Hadria
Adryen: One who is of the Adria river
Adsach: The prime truth or the primal truth
Adstan: A noble stone, honourable stone
Adulaziz: The servant of powerful
Adulf: The wolf who is noble and honourable
Adura: One who is everywhere, God
Aduz Zahir: Slave of the manifest.
Aduzzahir: One who is the slave of the manifest
Advait: Unique, Exclusive; Someone who has no equivalent; unequalled; Matchless
Advaita: With no duality or duplicate, Lord Ganesha
Advaith: One has no duplicate, Lord Ganesha
Advaitha: Focused, Non Duality; Unique; With no equivalent; One of many names of Lord Vishnu
Advaiya: A unique person or soul
Advay: Unique, Exclusive; Someone who has no equivalent; unequalled; Matchless
Advaya: Unique, Exclusive; Someone who has no equivalent; unequalled; Matchless
Advi: The one who needs no protection, self sufficient
Advik: Unique, Exclusive; Someone who has no equivalent; unequalled; Matchless
Advit: Unique, Exclusive; Someone who has no equivalent; unequalled; Matchless
Adviteeya: Unique, Exclusive; Someone who has no equivalent; unequalled; Matchless
Advith: One who is unique, no other like him
Advitiya: One who has none other like him, no second person
Advitya: Synonym of Sun or One which has No End, Exclusive like the Sun
Adwaid: Unique, Exclusive; Someone who has no equivalent; unequalled; Matchless
Adwait: Unique, Exclusive; Someone who has no equivalent; unequalled; Matchless
Adwaita: Focused, Non Duality; Unique; With no equivalent; One of many names of Lord Vishnu
Adwaiy: Unique, Exclusive; Something that has no equivalent; unequalled; Matchless
Adwam: An everlasting, eternal, most durable
Adway: Unique, Exclusive; Something that has no equivalent; unequalled; Matchless
Adwaya: Unique, Exclusive; Something that has no equivalent; unequalled
Adwenpa: One who gives good ideas.
Adwin: An artist, creative person
Adwiteya: non other than himself, unique
Adwithiya: Unique, Exclusive; Something that has no equivalent; unequalled
Adwitiya: One who has no second copy or duplicate
Ady: A noble or kind person in community
Adyan: The plural of religion and creed
Adyant: Unique, Exclusive; Something that has no equivalent; unequalled; Matchless
Adylet: The variant transcription of Adilet It means justice
Adyota: A brilliant person, surrounded by light
Aebbe: A strong person, or refers to strength
Aebi: Pet form of the personal name Adalbert, meaning noble.
Aeccestane: The stone of a swordsman
Aecci: A cool headed, informal and energetic person
Aed: A fire, flame, burning fire
Aedan: An Irish name which is diminutive form of name Aed implying fire and means born of fire
Aedbald: A bold or brave fire, a friendly fire
Aeddi: One who is made of fire, fire powers
Aedelflete: A fast noble person
Aedh: From Scottish word Aodh, that means fire
Aedilbert: One who is bright and noble
Aedilburh: A bright noble or kind person
Aedilhum: A noble warrior or bear
Aedilhun: A noble favour from God
Aedith: A riches and blessed war
Aednoth: A medieval monk, a prelate
Aeduin: A rich or blessed friend
Aeduuard: A rich guard of wealth and fortune
Aeduuin: A blessed friend, a rich one
Aedwulf: A noble and honourable wolf
Aefic: The King's high reeve
Aegelmaere: A border of spruce tree
Aegelric: The king of spruce tree
Aegelweard: The guard of the spruce tree
Aegenwulf: The wolf of the chief sea
Aegeus: A shield made of a goat skin, protection
Aegheard: A protector cowherd
Aegidius: A young goat, or a shield from young goat skin
Aegir: A water giant, of a sea monster
Aegthryth: The protector of strength
Aeilmar: One who inspires awe, awesome
Aejaz: Karma, Fate; Destiny
Aekadamt: Who is having one tooth, lord Ganesha
Aeker: Meadow Of Oak Trees, means division of land in English; a variant of Ackerley
Aekerley: Meadow Of Oak Trees, means division of land in English; a variant of Ackerley
Aekerman: Man of Oak, A derivative name from Aeker
Aekley: Meadow Of Oak Trees, means division of land in English; a variant of Ackerley
Ael: Rocks or rampart
Aelbehrt: A bright or shiny edge or tip
Aelbert: A bright pointed tip of sword
Aeldiet: One who is of fire
Aeldit: Who belongs to he fire
Aeldra: Lives at the Elder Tree, means Noble
Aeldredus: The noble red-haired person
Aeldret: A wise person, an advisor
Aelfa: A person with supernatural power
Aelffrith: Peace or protection from elf powers
Aelfgar: A spear of the supernatural power
Aelfhere: The army of mystical powers
Aelfhun: A mystical favour from God
Aelflead: A mystical leader
Aelfled: led by the mystical powers
Aelfraed: a mystical counsellor or advisor
Aelfred: A wise mystical person, advisor
Aelfric: Elf Ruler, King of Elves
Aelfryth: The king of mystical powers
Aelfstan: A magical stone with supernatural powers
Aelfthryth: The strength or elf or super powers
Aelfwald: A forest of supernatural powers
Aelfwaru: The guard of the mystical powers
Aelfweard: The guardian of supernatural powers
Aelfwin: Friend of the mystical powers
Aelfwine: A friend of elves, or nymphs
Aelgar: A bright shining spear
Aelle: Name of Several Kings, one of many names after Elf
Aellius: The sun, name of Roman emperor Handrian
Aelmar: Awesome or awe-inspiring
Aelmer: A famous nobleman for his nobility
Aelred: A noble wise man or counsellor
Aembriht: A balanced, rational and confident person
Aeneas: Praise or a praiseworthy, a hero from Trojan war
Aenedleah: One who is from an awesome meadows
Aenescumb: One who lives in the valley of majestic people