We have created a list of 6876 unique and meaningful baby boy names that start with letter A. This is Page 8 out of 35 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby boy names.
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Achar: To disturb or to trouble
Acharaj: Full of wondrous or wonderful
Achard: Medieval Norman form of Ekkehard. It means brave and hardy.
Acharjeet: The victory of an inanimate object
Acharpreet: An inanimate love or affection
Acharya: Teacher, Another Name for Drona; A variant name of Acarya
Acharyanandana: One who is considered the son of the Teacher, A derivative from Acharya
Acharyasuta: One who is considered the son of the Teacher, A derivative from Acharya
Acharyatanya: One who is considered the son of the Teacher, A derivative from Acharya
Achatius: In Hebrew it means the God is holding. In Greek it means a duminitive person
Achava: The friendship or the companionship
Achaz: Hebrew - God is Holding, One that Takes or Possesses
Achcauhtli: Leader, a man with leadership qualities.
Acheampong: One that gave birth to the king.
Achebe: One who is protected by the Goddess
Acher: The other one or the outsider
Achernar: The biggest star of the constellation river, the end of river
Acheron: A river of sorrow,pain or woe
Achestan: The stony land bearing oak trees
Achet: Unconscious, one who is not in his conscious sense, a carefree person
Achetbir: A carefree brave person
Achetmeet: The friend or companion of the carefree person
Achill: An uncertain person
Achille: Old Greek - Pain, Lipless; Variant of Achilles
Achillea: The pain or the painful
Achilles: The body of grief, Mythological hero from Trojan war
Achilleus: The embodiment of the pain and grief of people
Achim: Hebrew - Yahewh will establish, A name variant of Joachim.
Achin: One who is free from care and envy
Achindra: Flawless, Uninterrupted; Perfect; Without Faults; Absolute; Thorough
Achint: Who is carefree and free from envy
Achinta: one of many names of Lord Shiva, Vishnu
Achintakumar: One of many names of Lord Shiva
Achintya: Release of Tensions, Inconceivable; Beyond Comprehension; Healer of all worries;
Achir: New, Fresh; strange or unaccustomed
Achlapati: Lord of the Immovable, Lord of Mountain; Refers to Himalayas; Name form of Lord Shiva
Achlendra: The Lord of firm decisions
Achmad: One who is praised by all
Achmed: One who is more commendable
Achojah: Rise up to challenge
Achraf: Most Honorable One, A variant of Ashraf
Achraj: One who is wondrous, full of wonders
Achudan: Lord Krishna, one of many names of Lord Vishnu
Achyut: Imperishable, one of many names of Lord Vishnu
Achyuta: Indestructible, one who can never be destroyed; one of many names of Lord Vishnu
Achyutam: One who cannot be destroyed or decayed
Achyutanand: Imperishable Joy, The Almighty; Omnipotent; God
Achyutaraya: Worshipper of the Infallible, A Devotee of Vishnu
Achyuth: Lord Krishna, Imperishable; Indestructible; one of many names of Lord Vishnu
Achyutha: One who can never lose his powers or nature, Lord Vishnu
Achyuthan: Indestructible, one who can never be destroyed; one of many names of Lord Vishnu
Acintya: Surpassing Thought, Incogitable
Acke: My father is for peace
Ackerleigh: Meadow Of Oak Trees, means division of land in English; a variant of Ackerley
Ackerley: Old English surname meaning "Oak meadow.", A variant of Ackley
Ackerly: Who belongs from or dwells from acre meadow
Ackersley: A dweller from the meadow of acres
Acklea: One who dwells near the oak trees
Ackleigh: A dweller near the oak tree meadows
Ackley: (English) Meadow of oak trees
Acklie: One who works near the oak meadows
Aco: One who helps or defends mankind
Acquiles: Pain, painful
Actaeon: A great hunter from Greek mythology
Actassi: Share the sea
Acteon: One who is living in Akte
Acton: One who is placed or settled near the oak tree
Acwald: who is from the forest of oak
Acwuld: who belongs to the wood of oak
Acwulf: A wolf from the oak meadows
Acyuta: Unending, Never Lapsing; Eternal; without beginning or end
Acyutananda: Insatiable Bliss, One who Never Falls
Acyutaraya: Worshipper of the Infallible
Acyutayu: One who has an imperishable age or life
Ad: Arabic - Settler, German - Noble Wolf; Son of the Red Earth; Son of Adam
Adab: Good manners or etiquettes, morals
Adad: In Greek it means God or storm and flood. In Arabic it means the number counts
Adaikalam: Refuge, Provider of Shelter; protection; rescue and aid
Adair: One who is fortunate and powerful
Adaire: Wealthy spear or oak grove
Adal: In German it means noble, In Arabic it means justice
Adalar: The island or the red island
Adalarachan: The monarch or king of dance
Adalarasen: The master of dance or king of dance
Adalarasu: King of Dance, one of many names of Lord Shiva
Adalard: A noble person who is brave
Adalat: The point of justice or equality
Adalbeorht: The bright shining noble person
Adalbert: Germanic (Nobly famous), Noble; Honorable; Famous
Adalberto: The bright noble or the shining noble
Adalbrecht: The bright or posibbily shining noble person
Adalbrechta: A bright noble person
Adaleru: A brave man, on who never been destroyed
Adalfieri: An oath of a noble person
Adalgar: A noble or wealthy spearman
Adalgiso: Noble hostage
Adalhard: A brave and tough noble person
Adalheid: Golden
Adaliz: A sort of kind or noble person
Adalric: A wealthy or rich noble person
Adalricus: Noble ruler
Adalrik: A noble or kind ruler
Adalson: Son of All
Adalstienn: Noble stone.
Adalvallan: Best Dancer, Tamil Name of Lord Shiva in Nataraja form
Adalward: The noble guardian.
Adalwen: The noble companion or friend
Adalwin: The victory of a noble person
Adalwine: A friend who is kind and noble
Adalwolf: A noble wolf
Adalwolfa: A wolf who is noble
Adam: Man, earth
Adama: The study or facts of earth or ground
Adamandia: A hard metal or diamond that is invincible and use to tame
Adambara: The sound of the roaring of an elephant
Adambha: Free from any fraud or deceit
Adames: The earth or someone born of earth
Adami: My Man, Red; Earthy; Human
Adamie: A human being, good human
Adamo: Son of Red Earth, First man to come to life
Adams: The person who is made of earth
Adamson: Son of Adam, A derivative from Adam
Adamsson: The son of Adam, from earth
Adamu: A variant of Adam, meaning father of mankind.
Adamus: One who is made of red earth
Adamya: Formidable, Brave; United; Difficult; Stern
Adan: The son of Adam, man or red earth
Adank: Adank is Swiss variant of Adam and means earth
Adao: One who is the son of Adam
Adar: Syrian - Ruler, Prince, Hebrew - Fire
Adarbad: Protector of fire. It's also the name of a saint.
Adare: One who belongs to the oak tree ford
Adarfiroz: Fire of victory in Zoroastrian religion.
Adarfra: The fire of glory in Zoroastrian religion.
Adargushnasp: It is the fire dedicated to a war stallion. It's also an emblem of military strength.
Adarhoshang: The fire of knowledge and intelligence.
Adarko: Tamil name of Lord Shiva
Adarmard: A man with extreme power.
Adarsa: The ideal person, mirror image
Adarsh: Ideal
Adarsha: The one who is an ideal person
Adarshpal: Keeper of Ideals, Well mannered and Principled man
Adarshpreet: An ideal love or affection
Adarvan: The protector of fire.
Adavak: Simple, Uncomplicated; free of deceit; Unpretentious
Adavan: Sun , Tamil name that refers to radiant and bright sun
Adavya: Generous and Happy, Charming and Joyful person
Adawi: Name of Sayyidina Umer's grandson.
Adb: A slave or a sub-ordinate, also means to worship
Adbdullah: The servant of Allah, one who worship Allah
Adbhutha: The servant of right guidance
Adbul-Qawi: Servant of the most powerful
Adcok: The offspring or the son of Adam
Addae: The morning sun.
Addai: Man of God
Addaley: An honourable noble person
Addam: Son of the Red Earth, A variant of name Adam
Addamson: The son or the offspring of earth
Addaneye: One who is living on a noble person's island
Addar: A mighty or a superior person. Son of Jacob
Adde: Noble, Kind; Wise; Polite
Addey: In Hebrew it means off the red earth. In English it means bright and shining person
Addi: A Variant of Adde, Noble; Nobility
Addie: Variation, adela
Addis: Son of Adam, Son of the Red Earth; A derivative of name Adam
Addison: The son of Adam, from the red earth
Addisyn: The son of Addie or Adam
Addler: A eagle or a person with the quality of an eagle
Addney: Lives on the Noble's Island, A variant of Adney
Addo: Happy, Ornament; King of the path (African)
Addul: A son of, or a servant of
Addy: Pet form of Adam, of the red earth
Ade: African - Crown, Royal, Peak , Hebrew - Man
Adebamgbe: A Nigerian term meaning royalty dwells within me.
Adeben: 12th Born Child - African Akan
Adebiyi: The royal one.
Adebowale: Return of the crown, refers to a child born after many years of waiting
Adedayo: The crown has turned to joy.
Adeeb: Intellectual, Erudite; Scholar; Literature; Arabic (Learned One)
Adeela: Equal, impartial; uniform
Adeem: A rare or precious person
Adeen: Little fire shining brightly
Adeep: Light, Lamp; Luminous
Adekorafo: Treasurer
Adel: Righteous, Upright; Sincere; Justice; Noble; Equal; Alike
Adelais: Noble
Adelar: A fearless noble warrior
Adelard: noble strength in German, A variant of Abelard
Adelbert: A shining noble person
Adelbrecht: A bright shining noble man
Adelgund: An honourable warrior
Adelgunde: A noble and kind warrior
Adelhard: A firm and determined person
Adelhild: A noble battle or fight
Adelik: Successful, Full of Concentration; achieving honors and wealth
Adelino: A prince who has a daring
Adelio: An honourable and kind person
Adelis: An honourable aristocrat
Adeliz: One who is the most noble
Adelky: One with the nobility