We have created a list of 6876 unique and meaningful baby boy names that start with letter A. This is Page 5 out of 35 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby boy names.
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Abdulmuta'al: Ambitious personality who serves the most dignified and high individual
Abdulmuta'alee: An individual that supports most high and rich personality
Abdulmutaal: Serves most glorious or the inspirational
Abdulmuti: One who works for the giver of life
Abdulmuttalib: It was name of grandfather of the Prophet PBUH that means servant of the seeker
Abdulmuzanni: Basically AbdulMuzanni was a narrator of Hadith.
Abdulnafi: Servant of the most auspicious and favourable
Abdulnaseer: Servant of the one who helps other in any situation
Abdulnasir: Slave to all the protectors and helpers
Abdulnasser: Servant of the one who is granting victory
Abdulnoor: Servant of the one who is bright and light
Abdulnur: Slave to the light and glorious one
Abdulqaadir: Serves those who are capable and competent
Abdulqabiz: Helps those who avoid doing from giving or granting
Abdulqadeer: Qadeer name itself means slave to the powerful & strong
Abdulqader: Slave to the talented and capable personality
Abdulqadir: An individual who serves the capable and able one
Abdulqahaar: Servant of the God or Allah who brings everything in his control
Abdulqahhar: A servant of the subduer or god
Abdulqawi: Derived from al-Qawi that means servant of the most dignified and strong
Abdulqayyum: Servant of the everlasting and self subsisting
Abdulquddus: Quddus stands for the perfect one, the holy one and the pure one
Abdulqudoos: A devoted suporter who serves blesses and most holy one
Abdulqudus: Variant Of Abdul-Qudoos which means slave of the most blessed people
Abdulra'uf: Serves the most merciful and compassionate one
Abdulraafi: Servant of the one who raises intellect and respect
Abdulrabb: Slave to the most powerful that is Lord or God
Abdulrafi: Slave of the most glorify or honourable people
Abdulraheem: Servant of the Most Compassionate
Abdulrahim: Arabic originated name means servant of the most merciful and kind one
Abdulrahmaan: Servant of the Mercifully Gracious
Abdulrahman: Serves the most glorious and good one
Abdulraouf: Servant of the Most Merciful
Abdulraqib: One who helps those that takes very good care in any difficult situation
Abdulrasheed: Servant of the one who correctly guide
Abdulrashid: Slave of the all right-minded personality
Abdulrauf: Servant of the most kind-hearted and merciful
Abdulrazaaq: Servant of the Maintainer, Provider
Abdulrazaq: One who serves the all providers and maintainers
Abdulrazzad: Servant of the provider
Abdulrazzaq: Servant of the all contributors and maintainers
Abdulrehman: A person who helps the merciful and gracious one
Abdulsaboor: Servant of the Patient
Abdulsabur: One who serves the patient and long-suffering one
Abdulsalaam: A great personality who helps the peaceful and calm one
Abdulsalam: Servant of the all peaceable one
Abdulsamad: Serves the eternal, never-ending or everlasting
Abdulsami: One who helps all hearing one with grace
Abdulsammad: Serves the endless, constant or everlasting one
Abdulsatar: One who provides the protector and guardian
Abdulsattar: Serves the most veiled and protector one
Abdulshahid: Slave of the observer and viewer
Abdulshakoor: Serves the most thankful and appreciative one
Abdulshakur: An individual who helps the most pleased and grateful one
Abdultawaab: Servant of the Forgiver
Abdultawwab: Slave of the most relenting and the forgiver
Abdulvajed: A servant of the finder
Abdulvakil: Serves the one who is the implementer
Abdulwaahid: Servant of the One
Abdulwaali: A great servant of the governor and inheritor
Abdulwadood: One who helps the loving and kind one
Abdulwadud: Quranic name stands for slave of the loved one
Abdulwahaab: Servant of the Giver
Abdulwahab: Servant of the Allah or God who gives blessings
Abdulwahhab: Slave of the God or the Lord
Abdulwahid: One who actually serves just single person with grace
Abdulwajid: A servant of the perceiver and the finder
Abdulwakil: Servant of the person who has all controls
Abdulwali: Islam name means servant of the protecting one or the governor
Abdulwaliy: Alternative of Abdul-Waleei, means one who serves the protecting person
Abdulwarith: An individual who helps ultimate inheritor or successor
Abdulwasi: Slave to the acceptance and implementation
Abdulyaqzan: The servant of a vigilant person
Abdulzahir: One who serves the most demonstrated
Abdun: Arabic originated name which means servant
Abdun nur: Servant of the most bright and cleaver personality
Abdunnasir: A great servant of the helper that means Allah or the Lord
Abdunnoor: One who helps the light and brilliant one
Abdur: Variant of Arabic name Abdul which means servant
Abdur rabb: Servant of the Lord or slave to the Allah
Abdur rafi: One who serves the most exalted or elevator
Abdur rashid: An individual who serves the righteous & good man
Abdur rauf: Serves the most merciful, glorious and kind one
Abdur-Raqeeb: Servant of the watchful
Abdur-Rauf: Servant of the most kind, Allah. Slave of the compassionate
Abdurrab: Built from Arabic words Abd, al- and Rabb, stands for servant of the Allah
Abdurrafi: A unique personality who serves the most exalted
Abdurraheem: Servant of the most merciful and compassionate
Abdurrahim: Serves the glorious and powerful one
Abdurrahman: A servant of the most gracious and friendly one
Abdurran: The servant of Almighty
Abdurraqib: One who helps all the viewer and observer
Abdurrasheed: Servant of those who shows or guides to the correct path
Abdurrashid: Serves the one who is honourable teacher
Abdurrazzad: The servant of one who provides all
Abdurrazzaq: Quranic name means slave to the giver of sustenance or provision
Abdurrehman: An individual who serves the most merciful and gracious
Abdursalam: One who really helps all peaceable preson
Abdus: Form of Arabic Abdal that means "servant of"
Abdus sabur: Islam religion name stands for servant of the forbearing and patient one
Abdus samad: Serves the never-ending and eternal one
Abdus sami: Serves the one who listens to everyone
Abdus-Sabour: Servant of the patient and kind.
Abdus-samad: Servant of the most ever-lasting one
Abdus-Sameei: Servant of the all-hearing
Abdus-sami: Name Abd al Sami means slave of the all-hearing one
Abdus-shafi: Helps the one who tries and attempts to heal
Abdus-Shaheed: Servant of the witness
Abdus-Shakur: Servant of the appreciative
Abdus-Smad: Slave of the eternal
Abdush shahid: A great servant of the observer and spectator
Abdush shakur: One who serves the appreciative and thankful one
Abdushshaheed: Means slave of the witness or viewer
Abdushshahid: Helps the most amazing observer and viewer
Abdussabur: Arabic originated name, meaning serves the patient one with grace
Abdussalaam: Works hard for source of the peace
Abdussalam: Form of as-Salam that means glorified and Allah. Name stands for servant of the safety
Abdussamad: A devoted follower who supports everlasting and eternal one
Abdussami: Helps the all hearing one and the Lord
Abdussattar: Serves the one who protects or hides all mistakes
Abdusshafi: Shafi name stands for servant of the healer
Abdussubbooh: One who serves the extremely uncontaminated and pure
Abdussubhan: A unique personality that helps the most glorious and brilliant one
Abdut tawwab: Serves the most merciful and forgiving one
Abduz zahir: One who serves the apparent and overt one
Abduzzahir: Slave of the most patent and obvious one
Abe: Form of Abraham, meaning father of many or father's exalted
Abed: Worshipper, Adorer
Abedi: Worshipper
Abedin: Islam name means worshipper of the Allah
Abednego: Serves the most shinning and light one
Abeed: A derogatory term that means slave, servant or worshipper
Abeeku: One who is born on Wednesday
Abeer: Variant of Abir, Fragrance
Abeesht: Wanted, Desired; To wish; Crave
Abeeth: A person who has pratical and trustworthy personality
Abegunde: One born during the holiday.
Abejundio: Means relating to bee or abaje
Abel: Usually it means vanity or breath or tansitory
Abelard: Originated from German language which means resolute and stubborn
Abelardo: Basically it means generous, kind ans solid personlaity
Abelino: Means unsure pet form of Avila
Abell: Exhalation of Breath, A Variant of Abel
Aben: Stands for father of many or multitude
Abeo: The bringer of happiness .
Aber: Yiddish form of Abraham which means Father of a might nation.
Aberassithan: Unbeatable, God; the supreme being
Aberforth: In Gaelic, this name means "˜from the river'
Aberlin: Yiddish form of Abraham which means Father of a multitudes.
Abernathy: This British name means beginning or starting point of the river
Aberto: Aberto is Tongan form of Albert and means noble.
Abesh: One who has complete possession or control
Abezag: The one is clean, pure and blessed
Abha: Shining, Luster; Glorious; Beauty; Glow
Abhaar: Gratitude or thankful to others
Abhaas: The sense, awareness, feeling or reflection
Abhai: A person who doesnt have any kind of fear
Abhaidev: Free of Fear, Protecting God
Abhaijeet: Victory over Fear, Brave; Fearless
Abhaijeev: It means fearless human being
Abhaijeevan: An individual who has fearless life
Abhaijot: Bold person who is guiding by his radiance.
Abhaipreet: A person who loves somebody without any fear.
Abhairaaj: One who rules the kingdom boldly.
Abhaitek: A person who does not fear about anything as God is always with him.
Abhaiveer: The one who is brave and bold.
Abhaj: A person who is having a great wisdom of knowledge.
Abhang: One who is excellent in speaking.
Abhanja: One who is an excellent speaker
Abhar: The one who has the most cleverest mind.
Abharan: Jewel, Precious
Abhas: Feeling, Empathise with; Compassionate
Abhasa: Splendour, Grandeur; Great Brightness
Abhash: Awareness or recognition.
Abhasvara: Shining One, Bright and Glossy
Abhat: Shining, Visible; Splendid; Glorious
Abhata: Shining, Blazing; Splendid; Glorious
Abhatha: A cultural and enthusiastic person
Abhav: Lord Shiva, Having the ability to be different
Abhavasimha: The one who is brave and bold as a lion.
Abhay: Born son of Dharma or who is not afraid to anyone or anything.
Abhaya: The one without scare.
Abhayad: Safety, Keeping safe
Abhayan: A person who is valiant.
Abhayananda: Delighting in Fearlessness, Brave; Courage
Abhayankar: He who Gives Courage, Strength
Abhayankara: The one who gives shelter.
Abhayaprada: Bestower of Safety, instiller of courage
Abhayasimha: One who is daring like a lion.
Abhayasinha: The one who is strong as a lion.
Abhayda: Fearless and brave, courageous
Abhaydatta: A bold and brave son.
Abhaysimha: As Fearless as a Lion, Symbol of Courage and brave
Abheek: Fearless, Brave; Courageous
Abheenav: New, Fresh; strange or unaccustomed
Abheenu: An individual who is famous and reliant
Abheer: A Cow-herd
Abheeran: A Cow Herd , A variant name of Abheer
Abheerup: The Most Handsome and Wisest, utmost attractive looking
Abheeshek: Consecrating or to Crown