We have created a list of 6876 unique and meaningful baby boy names that start with letter A. Each page consists of 200 baby boy names.
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A'mal: Expectation, a positive name meaning aspiration and they are laborious
A-wut: Weapon
Aaaqil: One who is wise and intelligent.
Aaarabisk: A person who is wishful and healthy
Aaban: Name of the Angel, 8th Persian month, angel of iron, name aban also in some cases has the meaning spontaneous and versatile
Aabavaanan: implies a person who is responsible and reliable
Aabdar: Name aabdar has a quranic origin which means Moon light, early, quick. It is derived from the B-D-R root which is used in the Quran in verse 3:123 in the word Badr, which means "full moon" and is the name of a famous battle.
Aabharan: means jewel, a variant form of name Abharan which means jewel in Sanskrit
Aabhas: Sense or Feelings, has a Sanskrit meaning as realization
Aabhass: Awareness, A variant name of Abhas which means realization
Aabhavannan: Light, also means torch bearer who brings light
Aabheer: means a Cow-herd in Sanskrit, it also means one who is fearless
Aabher: means a Cow-herd and is variant form of name Aabheer
Aabid: The word aabid means powerful, complete, worshipper of allah, it also signifies the one who is good intellectually and requires several outlet of energies
Aabideen: Zainul abidin is a Islam name for baby Boy and meaning is Ornament of the worshippers, it is probably taken from early Islamic leader Zainul abidin
Aabinus: Meaning of word aabinus is Ebony, Dark colored
Aabis: aabis has the meaning of lucky, it also means grim-faced, fierce-faced, the Boy named aabis seems to be fortunate, meeting with good success
Aabraham: Estonian spelling for Abraham. It means father of many.
Aace: The word aace in America means Unity, it also implies to luck and excellence
Aachalendra (अचलेंद्र): The word aachalendra means Himalayas, it signifies the person to be strong, Unchallengeable
Aacharappan: Restless or Proactive
Aacharya: means Learned Teacher, a variant of Sanskrit name Acharya; Another Name of Drona
Aachman: Intake of a Sip of Water Before a Yagya or Puja
Aachuthan (आचुथान): another name of Hindu Lord Krishna
Aad: aad in Islams means 'The man' and on the other hand in Sikhs it's a girl name meaning In the beginning
Aadalarasan: means Attraction, one who attracts with his dance; It also represents one of many Lord Shiva's name in Tamil
Aadalarasu: means King of Dance in Tamil, represents Lord Shiva's name as Nataraja who is considered the Lord of Dance
Aadam: Malay version of Adam, meaning 'father of mankind'.
Aadarsh: means one who has principles in Sanskrit, ideal man, a variant form of name Adarsh
Aaddhar: Foundation, Ground work of anything, Base of Life
Aadeel: aadeel means Righteous and Just, it also means "one who acts with justice and fairness", "moderate", "virtuous", "excellent in character
Aadeep: Light, Spiritual Illumination, A source of radiance
Aaden: Aaden means fire and flame, warmth of the home
Aadesh: Command, Message; means instruction in Sanskrit
Aadesh (आदेश): an order, a command; an instruction
Aadeshwar: aadeshwar is a south indian name that means God, or the won who is in a high position of authority
Aadhan: Be First
Aadhar: Base, A variant of Sanskrit name Aaddhar
Aadhav: Ruler - a person who rules or governs
Aadhavan: Sun, Brilliant Like the Sun; Lord Vishnu, A variant of name Aadavan
Aadheen: The word aadheen means obedient, one who comply with commands and is submissive
Aadhev (आधेब): word aadhev means First, Most eminent or exalted
Aadhi (आदि ): aadhi means beginning, it sometimes also means friendly, imagination, creativity, expression, energetic
Aadhikara: Lord Shiva, A variant of Sanskrit name Adhikara which means Principal
Aadhikesavan: One who is Ideal for Others
Aadhil: The name means "one who acts with justice and fairness", "moderate", "virtuous", "excellent in character
Aadhimulam: One who is beginning of Everything, Source cause of everything
Aadhinarayanan: The First God, A name form of Lord Vishnu
Aadhiseshan: Any One, it is also considered as one of many names of Lord Vishnu
Aadhish (आधीश): King, Emperor, Ruler, Person with supreme power
Aadhishankar: Sri Shankaracharya, Founder of Adwaitha Philosophy ; A name formed after Lord Shiva as Shankar
Aadhunik (आधुनिक): Modern, New; Latest; a name variant of Adhunik
Aadi (आदि): First, Most Important,Beginning; Starting; Source form of life
Aadidev (आदिदेव): the hindu word aadidev means First of God, the one closest to the almighty
Aadijay (आदिजय): The First Victory , Success;
Aadil: aadil means righteous, high in moral and virtuous, suggesting sanctimonious
Aadimoola: Supreme Being , A variant of name Aadimoolan
Aadimoolan: The name aadimoolan means Dominant, supreme
Aadinath: God, Supreme Ruler of the Universe; The First God
Aadinatha (आदिनाथ): another name of Lord Vishnu or Lord Krishna
Aadipta: Bright, Intelligent, Radiant, Luminous, Glorious
Aadir: Origin, Beginning; Point of space or time where anything begins; Source
Aadish: Full of Wisdom, Intelligent, Knowledgeable, Noble
Aadishankar: Shrishankaracharya, The Founder of Adwaitha Philosophy
Aadishwar: Aadishwar, Bhagvan; Supreme God; First Jain Tirthankara
Aadit: Peak, Shade; Sheltered; Bright; Radiant; Illuminate
Aaditey: Son of Aditi , refers to being son of the Earth or son of Mother of God
Aaditeya: Son of Aditi , refers to being son of the Earth or son of Mother of God
Aadithya: The Sun , a variant name is Aaditva
Aaditva: The Sun , A derivative name from name Aadithya
Aaditya (आदित्या): The name aaditya means belonging to aditi or Sun
Aadityapal (आदित्यपाल): The one having superior social standing and the one exalted, of high esteem
Aadityesh (आदित्येश): aadityesh has meaning of the ultimate power of the sun, the God Sun
Aadiv: Delicate, sensitive; mindful to feelings of others
Aadiyapadham: One who is Very Active or Quick
Aadne: in German language aadne means Eagle, in Norway it is the varient spelling of Adne
Aadrik: aadrik has meaning of The rising sun between the mountains
Aadroop: aadroop means embodiment or typing of beginning less
Aadurusta (आदुरुस्त): one who is fortunate or lucky
Aadvay: Unique, unparalleled; exclusive; having no like or equal
Aadved (आद्वेद): Unequaled or unmatched in the whole Universe
Aadyot (आद्योत): one who is surrounded by light
Aafaaq: Horizons
Aafiya: the person who has a very sound body and health
Aaftab: the name means sunlight or the Sun
Aagar: the word aagra means a person having interest in Music, Excelling in music
Aagha: The word means Someone in control over something, Lord, chief
Aaghaa: The name aaghaa means Someone in control over something, Lord, chief
Aaghosh (आघोष): to embrace or lapped
Aagman: Arrival , Welcome; Warmly received
Aagney: Child of Flames, Son of the Fire God ; A variant name is Aagneya
Aagneya: Child of Flames, Son of Agni; Son of the Fire ; Derivative of name Aagney
Aagyakar (आज्ञाकार): one who is hearsome, obedient or willing to comply to elders
Aagyapal: the name aagyapal means the one who upholds the state obedience
Aagyey: Unknown, meaning something unexplored or not discovered
Aahad: Unity, oneness, harmony
Aahan: Iron, Sword ; symbol of military power; inflexible and unrelenting power
Aahil: Aahil is an Arabic word that means "great king", "great leader", "emperor", a king or ruler who presides over multiple nations and countries.
Aahir: Dazzling, Brilliant; To impress deeply; Sparkling; Glittering
Aahish: Blessing of God
Aahlaad: Delight, To have great pleasure; someone who gives joy and enjoyment
Aahlaadith: Joyous Person , A variant of name Aahlaad which means Delight
Aahlad (आह्लाद): one who is happy, cheerful, and full of joy
Aahnik: Prayer, an object of worship; Devote to God; act of praying to God
Aahva: Beloved, one who is greatly loved; Dear to heart
Aahvan (आह्वान): act of soicitaion, invitation or enticement
Aahwaanith: One who has Been Invited, Wanted; Something desired; wish
Aaish: God Blessings, bestowment by God
Aaju: Older sibling of the same gender
Aajunnguaq: Dear older sibling
Aakaar: Shape,to evolve; to develop; A variant of name Akar
Aakaash: Sky
Aakanksh: Desire, Wish; Crave; Longing
Aakar: Shape, To Form, To Materialize, to evolve; to develop; A variant of name Akar
Aakarsh: Attraction, Beauty; Charm; allurement; Fascinating; Enticing
Aakarshan: Attraction, Beauty; Charm; allurement; Fascinating; Enticing
Aakash: The Sky
Aakashdeep: The Sky, Vast Like the Sky
Aakav: Shape, To Form, To Materialize, to evolve; to develop; A variant of name Akar
Aakesh: Sky , A variant of Aakash
Aakhya (आख्या): one who has high reputation and fame, state of being famous
Aakhyaan: Legend, Story of Famous Person inscription
Aakif: The act of being strongly bonded towards someone or attached, it also means "one who stays at the mosque to worship Allah", "one who stays away from people to dedicate himself to Allah"
Aakil: Intelligent, Smart; Clever; Wise
Aakkuluk: Sweet little one
Aakrama: Name of a famous companion of Prophet Muhammad.
Aakrit (आकृत): aakrit has a meaning of appearance or shape, the person who is unmoldable
Aakriti: Shape, To Form, To Materialize, to evolve; to develop ; A derivative from name Akar
Aalam: aalam has a meaning of World or universe, the one belonging to the whole World
Aalambi: Continuer
Aalamgeer: this means the supreme conqueror of the world, Defeatless
Aalap: Musical Prelude, Conversation, Prelude to a raga, Skilled in music
Aalavandan (आलावंदन ): the name means The writing or something Majestic
Aalee: Noble and majestic, highly impressive and awe-inspiring
Aalekh: Learned, One of many names of Lord Shiva; to become informed; gain knowledge
Aalhad: Joy, Happiness; Good Fortune; Pleasure; Be glad; Rejoice
Aali: The another name of Allah or the almighty
Aalif: The one that is sympathetic or compassionate, affectionate to others
Aalim: the one who is Knowledgeable, high scholor, very wise
Aalok: Light, Bright, be illuminated; Radiating
Aaludaiperumal: Explorer of the Sea, Name in devotion of Lord Vishnu
Aamannguaq: Glow, glowing coal
Aamil: it means a Hardworking person, doer
Aamin: the one having A great grace of God, the one who is divine
Aamir: Populous, Full Prosperous, Amply Settled, Civilise
Aamish: The meaning of this name is the one full of enjoyment this also means food or meat
Aamod: Pleasure, Pleasant, Accept, Be glad; Rejoice
Aan: the one having Self respect and self esteem
Aanal: aanal in hindi means Fire
Aanan: Appearance, Face; Countenance; Approval; Permit ; Moral Support
Aanand: Joy Or Bliss, Happiness; Delight; Pleasure; Good Fortune; Contentment of Joy
Aananda: Happiness, Delight; Pleasure; Good Fortune; Contentment of Joy
Aanandamayee: the one who is very happy and joyous in nature
Aanandaprakash: Wild Wind
Aanandswarup: full of joy, Filled with Happiness; Delight; Pleasure;
Aanarsi: Greenlandic form of Anders, meaning manly.
Aanat: One who is humble and very courteous
Aanav: Humane, pertaining to life qualities
Aanay: Aanay is another name of Lord Ganesha.
Aandaleeb: the bulbul bird
Aandi: The other name of lord Murugan
Aanga: Yard
Aangsuman: Sun Rays , Brightness of the Sun; Radiance from the Sun
Aanick: Atom, smallest source of existence
Aanjaney: Lord Hanuman
Aanjaneya: Son of Anjani, Refers to Lord Hanuman
Aanjay: Unconquerable, being victorious; Win; Gain
Aansh: Portion, Allotment by God; Inherited
Aapal: Regard, sentiment of affection; esteem; respect
Aapo: Finnish form of ABRAHAM or being father of multitude
Aapt: trustworthy, Friend, Believing; Faithful; Reliable
Aaqaa: the supreme owner or father, having full authority
Aaqib: the follower of allah, follower
Aaqil: the who blessed with quick cognitive capacity, intelligent
Aaquid: One who Seeks the Right Direction, One who Promises;
Aar: one who brings light, It is an abbreviated form of Aarav
Aaraadhak: Worshipper , A variant form of Aaradhak
Aarab: the one very capacious and powerful
Aaradh: The person having Deep love or affection
Aaradhak: worshipper of God , A Variant name of Aaraadhak
Aaradhay: Regard, sentiment of affection; esteem; respect
Aaradhy: Adorable, Charming; Very attractive; Delightful
Aarajesh: the One who is God of Kings
Aaran: The meaning of aaran is enlightened, mountain or strength
Aaranay: means Wild Forest, it signifies fertility, abundance, plentiful, greenery, generosity
Aaranyan: means Forest, signifies wild greenery
Aarash: First ray of the sun.
Aarav: Peaceful, Ray, Hope; Radiating Light; Sanskrit: "peaceful," "melodious sound"
Aardburzin: The name is the shortened form of Adarburzinmeher and means fire of exaltation. It's also name of son of hero Framroz.
Aaren: the name has several meanings In Scandinavian the meaning of the name Aaren is: Lofty or inspired. it also means high mountain
Aarhant: Protector from Enemies, A gaurdian
Aari: Mountain of Strength
Aarib: the one who is healthy and very handsome
Aaric: Rule with Mercy, Graceful Ruler
Aarif: Acquainted, Knowledgeable, Devotee, Knowing; Aware
Aariketh: Ganesh , God of Knowledge and Wisdom representing Lord Ganesh
Aarish: First Ray of Sun,
Aarit: One who Seeks the Right Direction, Correct Path;
Aariv: King of Wisdom , Knowledge; Intelligence
Aariyeh: A rare name desiring spiritual and enjoy of isolation and meditation