We have created a list of 6876 unique and meaningful baby boy names that start with letter A. This is Page 6 out of 35 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby boy names.
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Abheesht: Desired, Wished; Wanted; Craved
Abheeshtha: Ones Desire, Wishes; Wants; Cravings
Abheest: Wanted, Desired; Wished; Craved
Abheet: Gallant and audacious.
Abhejay: The one who brings victory.
Abhey: Fearless, Brave; Courageous
Abhi: Fearless, Brave; Courageous
Abhibhava: Overpowering, Powerful; Victorious; Influential; Mighty; Potent
Abhibhu: To Overcome, Conquer; To gain a victory; master
Abhicandra: Having a Moon Like Face, Beautiful like a moon
Abhichandra: Having a Moon Like Face, Beautiful like a moon
Abhideep: Illuminated, Radiant; Glorious
Abhidha: Name, Word; Sound; Literal Meaning
Abhidhan: Refers to vocabulary or word list.
Abhidhar: Who Wears Serpents
Abhidharm: Highest Dharma
Abhidhyan: Dream or deep consideration.
Abhidi: Radiant, Expression; distinctive and illuminating
Abhidipa: Brightened or lightened.
Abhidyu: Heavenly, Bright; Radiant; Illuminous
Abhigam: Perception, Considerable
Abhigeet: Praised in Song
Abhigita: A happy go lucky and spontaneous person
Abhignan: The one who has perfect wisdom.
Abhigyaan: Source of Knowledge, Wisdom
Abhigyan: Most Intelligent, Recollection; Wisdom; Knowledgeable
Abhihava: Most Intelligent, Recollection; Wisdom; Knowledgeable
Abhihita: Expression, Word; Name; meaning
Abhijaat: Well Born, Wise and knowledgeable
Abhijanya: Born to take the fear away.
Abhijat: Noble, Wise; Knowledgeable; Intelligent; Bright
Abhijata: The one who was born in a very decent family.
Abhijay: Victor, triumph; successful; Winner
Abhijaya: Conquest, Complete Victory; triumph; successful
Abhijeet: Variation
Abhiji: The person who is victorious, Lord Krishna
Abhijiat: Noble and wise, knowledgeable
Abhijin: The Most Auspicious Moment
Abhijit: One who is Victorious, triumph; successful
Abhijith: One who is Victorious, A variant of Abhijit; triumph; successful
Abhijnana: Reminiscence or memory.
Abhijun: Expert, Skilled; To help; experienced
Abhijvala: Blazing Forth
Abhik: Beloved, Dearest to Heart; Most Loved
Abhika: The one who is valour and pluck.
Abhikama: Fondness or wish.
Abhilash: Desire, Wish; Crave; Longing; Want
Abhilesh: Immortal, Unique; one who has no equivalent
Abhima: The one who destroys the fear , Lord Vishnu.
Abhimaan: Pride, majestic; magnificent
Abhimakar: One who has or Gives Warmth
Abhiman: Pride, majestic; magnificent
Abhimand: Gladdening, happiness; joyful
Abhimanee: Full of pride, A variant of Abhimaan
Abhimanuya: The Son of Arjun in Mahabharat, Pride
Abhimanya: The Son of Arjun in Mahabharat, Pride
Abhimanyu: Arjuna's Son, Pride
Abhimanyusuta: Son of Abhimanyu, Pride
Abhimoda: Joy, Delight; happiness; glad
Abhin: Different
Abhinaash: An immortal person, cannot be destroyed
Abhinabhas: Famous, renowned
Abhinamin: One who is renowned or a famous name
Abhinand: Celebrating, reason of joy; blessing
Abhinanda: To Rejoice, To Celebrate; To Praise; To Bless; Delighted
Abhinandan: Greetings, Felicitous; Welcoming; Cordial; Accept with Pleasure
Abhinandana: Felicitous, delighting, welcoming
Abhinandh: One who is celebrating or acknowledge
Abhinash: Actor, talented enactor
Abhinatha: Lord of Desires, Another Name for Kama; God of wishes
Abhinav: Brand new
Abhinava: New, Young; Fresh; Modern; A Sakta Notable for his great learning
Abhinavan: Young, fresh or modern
Abhinay: Expression, Feelings; Representation
Abhinaya: The acting or the one who acts in a drama
Abhinayan: One who is an actor, one who acts
Abhindra: Devender
Abhineet: Perfect , Absolute; Thorough; Complete
Abhineeth: Forgiving, To pardon; merciful to forgive
Abhinit: Acted, Actor
Abhinita: The one who is an actor by profession
Abhinivesh: Desire, Love; affectionate
Abhinivesha: A desire that is long cherished
Abhinn: One who is different or not common
Abhinu: Brave Man, Fearless; Courageous
Abhipada: One who is fearless or take fearless steps
Abhipal: Protector, Defender; Guardian
Abhipala: The fresh moment or the new time
Abhipsa: Means Strong Desire, Wishes; Longing
Abhir: Mighty One
Abhira: A cow-herd, one who takes care of cows
Abhiraam: Pleasing, Loving; Highly satisfying
Abhiraj: Fearless King, Courageous Ruler; Brave King
Abhiraja: One who is a great king
Abhiraksa: One who is a protector, who protects
Abhiram: Lovely, Pleasing ; Highly Satisfying
Abhirama: The lovely or a delightful person
Abhiramana: One who Delights
Abhirath: Great Charioteer, Handsome
Abhiratha: Handsome, It also means Great Charioteer, A variant of Abhirath
Abhiratra: Small, Humble; Softness
Abhiroop: Handsome, Pleasant; Appealing; Refined
Abhiru: Not a Coward, Strong; Powerful; Fearless; Brave
Abhiruc: The Sun
Abhiruci: Good Interest, Variant of Abhirucia which means extremely beautiful in Sanskrit
Abhirup: Pleasing, Loving; Highly satisfying
Abhisaar: A good companion, a beautiful friend
Abhisar: Companion, Friend; Well wisher
Abhisara: To Spread Brightness , Radiant; Luminous
Abhisek: Purification or Cleansing by worship
Abhiseka: The method of purifying and cleaning
Abhisheha: One who is full of desires
Abhishek: An auspicious bath for a deity
Abhisheka: Installed as King
Abhishesha: Desirous
Abhishikta: one who has posted as a King
Abhishikth: means King, One who is energetic, adventurous, daring and freedom-loving
Abhishrey: The Credit of Good Deed, The Dawn of the Good
Abhisikta: One who is installed as a king on a throne
Abhisoka: Passionate, Loving; Affectionate; desirable
Abhisu: Ray of Light
Abhisumant: Radiant, bright; Luminous; Another Name of Sun
Abhisumat: Radiant, bright; Luminous; Another Name of Sun
Abhisyanta: Splendid, A Son of Kuru and Vahini; Brilliant in appearance
Abhit: Fearless, Brave; Courageous
Abhivaadan: Greeting, Welcoming; Salutation
Abhivachan: Good Word, Pleasant words
Abhivada: A greeting, salutation of respect
Abhivadak: One who Salutes with Respect, Kind and Warmly welcoming person
Abhivadan: Greeting, Welcoming; Salutation
Abhivandan: Salutation, A derivative name from Abhivadan which means Greetings
Abhivandya: One who is Treated Respectfully, A variant of Abhivandan
Abhivanth: Royal Salute, One who is given royal respect
Abhiveer: One who Commands, One who is Surrounded by Heroes or warriors
Abhivira: Surrounded by Heroes, A Commander; Respectful warrior
Abhiyanta: An Engineer
Abhlesh: One who is unique and immortal
Abhnivesh: Long Cherished Desire, Idea; Resolution
Abhoy: One who is not afraid of anything, fearless
Abhra: Cloud, Bearing Water; Sky
Abhrakasin: With Clouds for Shelter, An Ascetic
Abhram: Steady, Clear; tidy up; one who will not be indebted
Abhramu: One who is delightful
Abhranaga: An elephant related to heaven or sky
Abhranta: One who is not confused or puzzled, clear
Abhraroha: One who is borne by the clouds
Abhrottha: The thunderbolt of Lord Indra, born of clouds
Abhu: An unborn, or a non-existent person
Abhyagni: Towards the Fire, A Son of Aitasa
Abhyas: Study, Deepfull Thought; Zealous Endeavour
Abhyuday: Progress, development; one who goes forward
Abhyudaya: Rising, Sunrise; Elevation; Increase; Prosperity
Abhyudh: A good and quick learner
Abhyudhay: The sunrise of prosperity and happiness
Abhyudita: Elevated, Prospered; Raised; established
Abi: (Hebrew) Father, (Turkish) Elder Brother, French (Priest)
Abiade: One who is born of royal parents.
Abiah: My father is Yahweh
Abich: Noble, a noble man.
Abichal: un-paying, unyielding, no growth
Abid: Worshipper or devout of the Lord
Abida: Worshipper
Abidan: My father is judge
Abidin: Hebrew - Father of Knowledge, My Father Knows
Abidugun: One born before the war.
Abie: Father of Many, Diminutive of Abraham;
Abiezer: A Biblical name, meaning father of help.
Abij: Seedless
Abijah: The Lord is My Father, Gift of God, Hebrew - Yahweh is my father
Abijeet: A victorious person, conqueror
Abijith: The one who conquers, or victorious
Abilash: Powerful and Complete, Desire, Name of Goddess Lakshmi
Abilio: One who is able or an expert
Abilo: One who is skill and proficient in whatever he does.
Abimael: Father who is sent from God
Abimanyu: Arjuna's son
Abimbola: Born Wealthy
Abimola: One who is born to be rich
Abinaash: Eternal, Immortal; A person of enduring Fame
Abinaashjot: A light that cannot be destroyed
Abinash: Indestructible, one who can never be destroyed
Abinaswar: One who Never Destroys, protector
Abinav: A new and fresh person, one who is young
Abinay: One of many names of Lord Shiva
Abinaya: The Royal Guard, God; Supreme Being
Abinesh: Eternal, Immortal; A person of enduring Fame
Abinish: Hope, symbol of faith
Abiodun: One born at the time of festival.
Abiola: (African - Yoruban) Born in Honor, Born during the first days
Abioye: The son of royalty, A Variant of Abiola
Abiq: An exhaling pleasant fragrance
Abir (अबीर): The word abir has the meaning of Fragrance, Scent, Aroma, in Hindu aspect aabir means Gulal or color
Abiral: Never ending
Abis: One who is swift and alert
Abisali: A warrior of Muslim religion
Abisha: My Lord is my father
Abishai: One who is desirous of a gift
Abishek: Ritual, Ceremony
Abishua: Father of Salvation
Abivanth: Royal Salute