We have created a list of 6876 unique and meaningful baby boy names that start with letter A. This is Page 2 out of 35 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby boy names.
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Aariz: the one who is a respectable man, intelligent, the one who leads
Aarjav: One who is steadfast in Happiness and Sorrow
Aarman: Desire, Awesome; Crave; Want; Wish
Aarnav: Ocean, Sea, Deepest sea; A variant of Arnav
Aarnes: Red Silk , Finest like the silk
Aarnik: being one of a kind or unique
Aaro: Progressive, Mountain of strength. Derives from name Aharon
Aarogya: the one having great health or being healthy
Aaroh: the one having high qualities as a mountain
Aaroha: Always Ascending , One who always arises and never falls
Aaron: Messenger (Hebrew), Enlighted; Mountain of Strength; From the Old Testament, Aaron
Aarpan: Giving Away, offering ; To donate
Aarron: the one who is Enlightened it also means to sing
Aarsh: Crown, To gloat; With regal dignity and power
Aarshabh: An Another Name of Lord Sri Krishna
Aarshin: Pious, Sacred; Religious Devotion
Aart: Celtic - Stone, bear; German - Thor; The Eagle ; A variant form of Arthur
Aarth: The meaning, Red Glimpse; God; Supreme Being; Creator
Aarul: being brilliant
Aarumugham: Another Tamil Name for God Murugan, The God with 6 faces
Aarumughasami: God Murugan, The God with 6 faces
Aarunya: Sunshine, First rays of the sun, Radiance or Brightness of the sun
Aarurdoss: One who is in Everyone, present in everyone's life
Aarush: First Ray of Sun, Sunshine; Radiance or Brightness of the sun
Aarv: Great feel of peaceful and melodious music
Aaryaman: Bosom Friend, Play fellow, Companion, Name of one of the old vedic deitie
Aaryash: Brilliant, Intelligent
Aaryav: Noble Person, Wise and Knowledgeable
Aaryavir: Brave Man , Courageous Person; Fearless man
Aaryesh: King of Arya
Aarzam: the name means War, battle or being conqueror
Aarzoo: Wish, Desire; Want; Crave
Aas: the act of waiting or having hope
Aasaf: the one who is very clear or lined up
Aasaithambi: Power of Self Respect
Aasal: Late afternoons or evenings.
Aasamana: Power of Self Respect
Aashadhar: One who Keeps Hope, Full filler of wishes
Aashank: Faith, trust; belief
Aasharya: the Son of the Sun
Aashay: Summary, Gist; powerful; meaningful; influence; potent
Aashif: the one having a confident character or being courageous
Aashik: The true lover, a suitor
Aashiq: The true lover, a suitor
Aashir: the one who is alive or Living
Aashirbaad: The one like a blessing
Aashish: blessing, bestowment of God; Mercy of God
Aashka: Mercy of God, Blessings; bestowment of God
Aashlesh: To Embrace , acceptance
Aashman: Son of the sun,
Aashray: Originated from Sasnkrit means give temporrary protection in any situation
Aashresh: Intelligent and quick to understand & apply ideas
Aashrit: Power of Lord Vishnu who has spear & knife to protect from agni
Aashrith: Ruler, One of the many names of Lord Vinayaka
Aashu: the another name of Lord shiva
Aashutosh: One who is easily pleased, One who Full fills Wishes Instantly
Aashvith: Ocean - a very large expanse of emotions
Aasif: An Able Minister
Aasil: Name itself gives aggression. means to assault cruelly and constantly
Aasim: The one who is a Protector and Guardian
Aasir: One with a captivating and fascinating personality.
Aasit: Black Stone
Aasra: Sahara, Help; Anchor; To serve
Aastik: One who has faith in god, Believer in God
Aasvi: Little Mare
Aat: Someone who is daring
Aata: Bear or stone in Maori language.
Aatamgosh: The inner light or soul
Aatazaz: Someone important or servant of the mighty.
Aatbodh: another name of lord Brahma
Aatherv: The name of 1st Veda
Aatherya: A Disciple of Sage Vamadeva
Aathesh: The Lord Ganesha
Aathiswaran: The Fire , Refers to the God of origin; Lord Shiva
Aathmik: Related to soul or aatma
Aathrav: Auspicious, Lucky, It is also one of Lord Ganesha's Name
Aathreya: Progeny of athri or the disciple of sage vamadeva
Aati: The one who is generous.
Aatif: Kind and affectionate
Aatiq: In case of a girl it means a very Young women while in case of a Boy it has a meaning of Liberated, Independent or Free
Aatish: Fireworks, Explosive, Dynamic Person, Name of Lord Ganesh
Aatma: Soul, Light Of The Lord, A deeply felt Emotion
Aatmabandu: The one closest to the heart
Aatmabus: Self Protected
Aatmadeva: God of the Soul, A variant name from Aatma
Aatmagupta: The happiness of Soul
Aatmaj: Son, Beloved to soul, A variant name of Aatma
Aatman: A happy soul or essence
Aatmanand: The blissful Soul
Aatmeshwar: The one having self respect
Aatmgaurav: The one being Proud
Aatmik: Spirit, Soul; A variant name of Aatma
Aatrey: An ancient Name
Aatreya: name of a sage , A derivative from Aatrey
Aatulaya: Someone Unique, the one who can't be compared
Aaush: Long Life, A variant name of Aayush
Aavai: Arrive, to come
Aavansh: Forthcoming Generation
Aavi: Smoke
Aayakar: Someone willing to comply to commands,obedient
Aayam: Dimensions, extension in time
Aayan: the one who is bright, swift
Aayansh: Sun, like splendour or brightness of sun
Aayden: someone like fire, fiery
Aayiz: Replacement, something given to you in place of something you have lost.
Aayoush: Handsome, Good Looking
Aayu: Lifespan, Long Life; A variant of Aaush
Aayuman: having a young mind
Aayush: Long Life, Blessing; A variant name of aaush
Aayushmaan: Blessed with long life, A variant name of Aaush
Aayushman: Blessed with Long Life, A variant name of Aaush
Aazaad: someone Independent, Free
Aazam: someone Supreme, Powerful
Aazan: form of prayer
Aazar: The 9th month of celebration.
Aazif: the harvest
Aazim: the one who is determined
Aazvaar: practical and patient
Aazz: someone Mightier, Stronger
Abaan: this is an Old Arabic Name
Abaas: Like a lion
Abab: the Softness and Gracefulness of Youth
Ababil: someone who accepts easily
Ababio: Child that keeps coming.
Abacuck: One who likes to seek adventure and travel
Abad: someone who is Everlasting, Eternal
Abadah: the name has meaning of Endurance, Durability or Strength
Abadard: the One who Possesses Prosperity
Abadhya: Always Victorious, Unopposed;
Abadilat: the other name of Abdullah
Abadiya: Name of a famous author known for his unique style
Abadun: The one who is subordinated as a servant or slave to God.
Abaeze: Branch of the kings
Abahh: An astrologer of Al Mamun and basically Al-Abahh was the nickname of al Hasan Ibn Ibrahim.
Abahijeevan: Someone leading a fearless life
Abaj: The name has a meaning of Eternity
Abakhtar: A planet
Abal: A wild rose
Abalendu: Not the Nascent Moon, The Full Moon in Sanskrit
Aballach: Father of Modron
Abam: The second child after twins.
Aban: an Old arabic name
Abani: Planet Earth
Abanimohon: the King
Abanindra: Sky , Another variant is Abanindranath
Abanindranath: A variant of name Abanindra which means sky, A famous Bengali painter had this name
Abanish: being a King
Abanjar: Being Tall, Stout
Abann: someone who is Tall, Strong
Abannak: someone who is Firm to his decisions
Abanoub: ancient King
Abanus: Someone having a dark complexion
Abar: tin Arabic he was Son of Arphaxad and Grandson of Shem
Abaravand: one who is above all, superior
Abarinnotavan: to Rejuvenate
Abarja: Something that is extremely strenuous.
Abasi: Being Stern and strict
Abasin: The other name of Indus River
Abatus: The winner of a battle
Abaven: Someone who is a protector
Abay: Being talented
Abayomi: Born to bring me joy, pleasant meeting
Abayomrunkoje: God won't allow humiliation.
Abba: Father, Somber; Preist
Abbaas: the Description of a lion
Abbar: Someone strong
Abbas: Description of a Lion, Looking Austere; Lion; Stern; Name of Mohammad's Uncle
Abbasi: being Stern, Frowning One
Abbasiyah: Being a Lion
Abbe: My Father is Joyful , A Variant of Abby
Abbes: The name means a lion who has ruthless face
Abbey: Father, My Father is light
Abbi: The elder brother or son
Abbo: A Condiment (Mudama Origin)
Abbood: Very devoted
Abbot: Father, A Variant of Abba
Abbott: Father,Preist, Father of Abbey
Abbud: the one who is Worshipper of Allah
Abbudin: being a Worshippers
Abd: A slave
Abd al Alim: Servant of all knowing
Abd al Bari: Servant of Allah
Abd al Hakim: Servant of the wise
Abd al Jabbar: Servant of mighty
Abd al Matin: Servant of strong
Abd al Qadir: Servant of capable
Abd al Rashid: Servant of the guided.
Abd al Sami: Servant of all hearing.
Abd er Rahman: Servant of the merciful one.
Abd us-salam: the Slave of the peace,
Abd-al: the Servant of Allah
Abd-almuhsin: This means servant of charitable ones ans also used in Arabic language.
Abdal: the Persons by whom God Continues the World in Existence
Abdalah: the Servant of god
Abdalala: the Slave of the High
Abdalalim: the Servant of the All-knowing
Abdalati: the Servant of Allah
Abdalaziz: the Servant of the Mighty One
Abdalbari: true follower of Allah
Abdalfattah: the Servant of the One who Gives Nourishment