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Abdul nafee: A person who works for his or her benefits
Abdul nafi: Servant of Allah, A servant of promising and supporter
Abdul Nafi: Slave of the Propitious.
Abdul nasir: A person who serves all defenders as well as protectors
Abdul nasser: A supporter who supports all helpers in every situation
Abdul Noor: Slave of the one who Is light.
Abdul nur: Urdu originated name stands for a servant of the light
Abdul or-abd: Abdul is the most used combination of the Arabic word Abd which means servant.
Abdul qaadir: This Islamic name means servant of capable one.
Abdul qadir: As being one of God's name and variant of Arabic words Abd, al- and Qadir, it means servant of powerful or strong personality
Abdul qadr: Devotee of God's servant
Abdul qahaar: Basically it means servant of God or subduer to conquer & bring into subjection
Abdul qahar: One of the most beautiful names of Allah culinary
Abdul qahhar: Derived from Arabic origin, it stands for a servant of subduer
Abdul Qahhar: Servant of Allah
Abdul qawi: It is a form of Abd, means servant and al-Qawi, means of most strong that is one of God name in Islam.
Abdul qayoum: A person who is a draught or a drink of
Abdul qayyum: Servant of the never-ending or sustainers of existence
Abdul quddous: An individual who works hard for slave to the Allah (Holy)
Abdul quddus: Built from Arabic words Abd, al- and Quddus, Means servant of Allah or god
Abdul qudoos: A follower who helps the most blessed people
Abdul raafi: One who raises mental power & respect, One who elevates
Abdul rafee: One who achieve complete success in any situation
Abdul rafi: This Islam name means slave of the exalter.
Abdul raheem: A servant of the most concerned and kind one
Abdul rahim: al-Raheem is one of name of Allah, this name stands for servant of merciful people
Abdul rahmaan: In Islam, it means servant of the most gracious
Abdul rahman: A person who assists a generous or beneficent
Abdul raouf: A devoted supporter who supports or serves the most merciful & kind-hearted
Abdul raqib: A great personality who helps the viewer or observer
Abdul rasheed: Follower who supports honourable trainer or coach
Abdul rashid: Rashid itself means servant of the one who guides correctly
Abdul rauf: The servant of the most indulgent one
Abdul razaaq: Generally it means servant of the provider or maintainer
Abdul razaq: Variant of Abdul-Razaaq that means servant of the contributor
Abdul razzaq: It's a male Islam name which means servant of the all-provider.
Abdul saboor: Arabic originated name means servant of the patients
Abdul sabur: Alternative of Abdul Saboor, it stands for servant of the long-suffering one
Abdul salaam: This Musim name means slave to the peace
Abdul salam: Serves the most peaceful and calm human being
Abdul samad: A servant of the eternal, endless or everlasting
Abdul samee: Correspondingly hearer of God or servant of all-hearing
Abdul sami: Derives from Abd al Sami name that means a person who hear to the Allah
Abdul samie: A Slave to the all hearing of God
Abdul shahid: A person who is a servant of the observer or spectator
Abdul shakkor: A follower who helps the most grateful and thankful
Abdul shakoor: Serves the most thankful people with grace
Abdul shakur: Powerful personality to help all appreciative people
Abdul tawaab: Individuality who is a forgiver of Sins and Accepter of repentance
Abdul tawab: Originated from Arabic language that means servant of all forgiver one
Abdul tawwab: This Quranic name means servant of the relenting.
Abdul waahid: A servant of the God or unique one
Abdul wadood: A person who always try to help loved ones
Abdul wadud: As being one of God's name this name means seravnt of all-loving peope
Abdul wahaab: A servant of the provider, contributor or benefactor
Abdul wahab: Stands for servant of all-giver in every situation
Abdul wahhab: A person who helps the giver or supporter
Abdul wahid: Arabic originated name stands for servant of just one
Abdul wajed: A person who is having enjoyment in a lively and loud way
Abdul wajid: This Islam name means slave of the perceiver or finder.
Abdul wakil: Servant of an individual one who is having all controls of things
Abdul waley: A follower who helps to all the supporters
Abdul wali: Basically it means servant of the governor or companion
Abdul wareth: Slave to the most successor or inheritor
Abdul wasee: It means servant of the all-embracing and comprehensive.
Abdul wasi: This creative & imaginative name means slave to all embracing.
Abdul zhaher: A person who really helps the most noticeable and clear personality
Abdul-Adheem: Servant of the greatest.
Abdul-aziz: A devoted follower who supports the most powerful and strong personality
Abdul-Baaqi: Servant of the everlasting
Abdul-Hafeedh: Servant of the preserver
Abdul-Mueid: Servant of the restorer
Abdul-Mutaalee: Servant of the most exalted
Abdul-Qaiyoum: Servant of the self-sustaining
Abdulaakhir: A person who remians when everything has been messed up
Abdulaalee: A servant of the most dignified and most high people
Abduladl: A slave of the just one or unique one
Abdulafuw: A servant of the forgiver and slave of one who usually pardons
Abdulah: Variant of Abdullah (Arabic) that means God or Allah's servant
Abdulahad: A person who serves only one human being at a time
Abdulahi: A follower who works for Allah and it is form of Abdullahi
Abdulaleem: Gentle and caring person who helps all knowing people
Abdulali: Built from Arabic words Abd which means servant of successful people
Abdulalim: A creative and excellent expressing ability person who serves all knowing people
Abdulaliyy: the man who serves the most high and dignified
Abdularahman: An individual who loves to help people who works for Allah
Abdulawwal: This Islam name means slave to the first one.
Abdulazaz: A great servant of the impressive and powerful one
Abdulazeem: Built from Arabic word Abd which means servant of the mighty one
Abdulazeez: Unique personlity who heps the powerful
Abdulazim: Quranic name stands for servant of the majestic one
Abdulaziz: Abdul means servant and aziz means strong & powerful, servant of strong one
Abdulbaari: A servant of the evolver or creator one
Abdulbaasit: Immaginative personality who serves the creator and extender
Abdulbadee: Name itself means servant of the discoverer or originator
Abdulbadi: Stands for slave of the unique and incomparable one
Abdulbais: A servant of those who never give up from raising
Abdulbaith: Servant of resurrect or slave of one who raises death
Abdulbaqi: This Islam name means slave of the everlasting or eternal.
Abdulbari: Built from words Abd, al- and Bari, means servant of creator one
Abdulbarr: Slave to righteous or honourable or good one
Abdulbaseer: A devoted supporter who helps discerning or all-seeing one
Abdulbasir: Aggressive and independent personality to serve all seeing
Abdulbasit: Human being that helps expader or extender one
Abdulbatin: Slave of the unnoticed and invisible in any situation
Abdulfataah: A servant of the gates of sustenance
Abdulfatah: The person who serves the opener one
Abdulfattah: Means slave to the conqueror or defeater
Abdulgani: Helps those who are generous, kind and self-sufficient
Abdulghafaar: A follower who supports those that accept mistake with their flaws
Abdulghaffar: A servant of the forgiver or all-forgiving one
Abdulghafoor: Serves the most merciful and all-forgiving one
Abdulghafur: Variant of Abdul-Ghafoor, it stands for slave to the all-forgiving
Abdulghani: Unique personality who helps rich, dignified and most high
Abdulhaady: A servant of the one who correctly guide on right way
Abdulhaafiz: Derived from name al-Haafiz that means slave to the guardian or protector
Abdulhadeem: One who correctly serves intelligent and sensible man
Abdulhadi: Derivation of al-Hadi which means the Guide, Stands for servant of the guide
Abdulhafeez: Slave to the preserver or protector, one who serves the master
Abdulhafid: A servant of the protector
Abdulhafiz: Being one of God's name, it means servant of the defender
Abdulhakam: One who serves the higher authority or the judge
Abdulhakeem: Helps wise, good and kind-hearted people in any situation
Abdulhakeen: Alternative of Abdul-Hakim which stands for servant of the kind man
Abdulhakim: Slave to the good, clever and intelligent one
Abdulhaleem: Made from words Abd, al- and Halim that means servant of the most patient or mild
Abdulhalim: Servant of the patient one and all-clement one
Abdulhameed: One who serves the most commendable and admirable individual
Abdulhamid: Originated from Arabic language, Means a person who supports the most praiseworthy one
Abdulhannan: A servant of the most kind-hearted and merciful one
Abdulhaq: Slave to the most truthful one
Abdulhaqq: This Islam name means servant of the truth
Abdulhaseeb: One who helps the most respected and valued man
Abdulhasib: Slave to the most reckoned and respected personality
Abdulhayy: A great personality who works for Allah or God
Abduljabaar: A devoted follower who serves all-compeller or comforter
Abduljabar: Means powerful, mighty, servant of compeller
Abduljabbar: Servant of those who forces or obliges someone to do something
Abduljabir: Stands for servant of peace or comforter
Abduljaleel: One who serves the most high and diginified
Abduljalil: Serves the most great and revered personality
Abduljame: Originated from Urdu language that means slave to the gatherer
Abduljamil: Built from elements Abd, al- and Jamil, meaning servant of the most handsome or beautiful one
Abduljawwad: Servant of the most plentiful and generous
Abdulkabir: Helps to the most great one and unique one
Abdulkadir: One who supports strong and powerful personality
Abdulkafi: Servant of the Allah(all-sufficient) who helps in every situation
Abdulkareem: Generous, One who Serves a Generous Man; Servant of Allah
Abdulkarim: One who helps kind-hearted and giving personality
Abdulkawi: Active and quick mind ability to investigate different ideas
Abdulkhaaliq: Servant of the Creator
Abdulkhabir: Slave to the all-aware or informed
Abdulkhafiz: One who supports the most descended
Abdulkhalik: Derived from Arabic Abd al-KhÄliq word that means servant of the extender
Abdulkhaliq: Meaning servant of the Allah or servant of the creator
Abdulla: Variant of Abdullah (Arabic) which means Allah or God's servant
Abdullafif: One who serves generous and kind people with grace
Abdullah: God's slave or servant of Allah, Islamic mystic Muhammad's father name was Abdullah.
Abdullateef: One who Serves a Kind Man, Servant of the Subtle
Abdullatif: A person who supports merciful, kind and gentle personality
Abdulmaajid: Slave of the noble, excellence and gracious
Abdulmaalik: Servant of the Lord, King and Master
Abdulmagid: A devoted individual who helps glorious and famous one
Abdulmajeed: A person with clever and good mind ability helps glorious one
Abdulmajid: This Islam religion name means slave to the most glorious & wonderful people.
Abdulmalik: A follower who works excessively hard for God or the King
Abdulmani: Work for the one who just puts a stop to one
Abdulmannan: Serves the most compassionate, kind and generous one
Abdulmateen: Servant of the Firm, Strong
Abdulmatin: Originated from Arabic language that means slave to the firm, powerful and strong personality
Abdulmedjid: An individual who helps kind and good one
Abdulmejid: Slave to all glorious one with grace
Abdulmohsen: Name itself means a driver or wheel maker that brings joy
Abdulmu'eid: Servant of those who helps to restore different things in any situation
Abdulmu'izz: One who serves honourable and praiseworthy
Abdulmubdee: A person who works hard for the inventor or creator
Abdulmubdi: Helps those who tries to invent anything for someone else
Abdulmueed: Extremely work hard for all reproducers or restorers
Abdulmughni: Servant of those who are rich and prosperous
Abdulmuhaimin: A faithful person who helps the supervisor and manager
Abdulmuhaymin: Serves the protectors, guardians, supervisors and attentive
Abdulmuhsen: This Islam name stands for servant of the supporters and benefactors.
Abdulmuhsi: Arabic originated name means slave to the one
Abdulmuhsin: Servant of the helpers as well as supporters
Abdulmuhyee: Servant of the one who completely give his life for some work and maintain it
Abdulmuhyi: A person who gives his life for anything
Abdulmuid: Muid means restorer or reviser or the reproducer
Abdulmuiz: Unique personality who serves those individuals that gives up life for the almighty
Abdulmuizz: Slave to the one who works for the God and mighty one
Abdulmujahid: Serves the one who immediately takes resonsibility of anything on spot
Abdulmujeeb: Servant of the answerer of prayers or responder
Abdulmujib: Variant of Abdul-Mujeeb, Means slave of the most responsive
Abdulmumin: Slave to the guardian or guarantor of the faith
Abdulmunim: One who serves to all the benefactors and supporters
Abdulmuntaqim: Servant of the one who penalizes those doing wrong things
Abdulmuqaddim: Helps all the presenters as well as expediter
Abdulmuqeet: A servant of the keeper or the sustainer
Abdulmuqsit: A person who serves just one with grace
Abdulmuqtadir: One who helps the most strong and powerful personality
Abdulmusawwir: Slave of the designer or servant of the fashioner