We have created a list of 1142 unique and meaningful baby girl names that start with letter D. This is Page 5 out of 6 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby girl names.
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Dipta: Bright shining Goddess Laxmi, talented
Dipti: A shining last ray of hope, bright
Dipu: A shinning and light hearted individual
Diqrah: A female narrator of Hadith.
Dirran: A fragile and generous person
Dis: A beautiful woman.
Disa: Younger form of Disa, a spirited individual
Disai: it a name of honor and prestige
Disha: One who can show the right direction
Dishita: A focused person, one who goes in a direction
Disney: One who has a lot of happiness
Diss: One who is spirited .
Dita: One who spoils, a happy warfare
Diti: Beautiful daughter of Daksha
Ditya: A name of Goddess Durga. It means answer of prayers.
Dityaa: Goddess Laxmi who answers the prayers
Diu: One who is down to Earth and is practical person
Div: An evil spirit, obtain power and wealth
Diva: A divine person, beloved and beautiful
Divi: One who is from the heaven, glorious
Divija: One who is born in heaven
Divina: A divine, Godlike creature; respect
Divine: A heavenly person, one who says truth
Diviyani: Shukra's daughter, part of divine
Divjot: A beautiful and bright light, divine light
Divya: A divine luster, they are brilliant
Divyamani: A beautiful raga, inflaming one
Divyana: A loving and divine being, flaming
Divyanka: A divine person who is a gift of God
Divyanshi: The one who is part of divine power
Divyaprabha: Divine luster
Divyarani: A queen which has arrived from heaven
Divyata: A heavenly and divine being who are great ruler
Dixie: The French word for ten, southern state
Diya: Radiance coming from a candle
Diyana: Name of an Assyrian village in Iraq
Diyanah: Quick one, they have power of the Sun; religion
Diyanwita: A lighted lamp, they spread light
Diza: A joyous individual, they bring happiness
Djamila: A very pretty and beautiful girl
Djin: A courageous and head-strong person who will never escape hard work and struggle.
Djuana: They are majestic and precious beings
Djuna: An intelligent, patient and a self-empowered women, invented name
Dmitriana: Twin, a kind and compassionate being
Dnyanada: An intelligent person.
Dnyaneshwari: It means 'Bhagavad Gita' in Sanskrit language.
Do: A person who is independent,confident and has qualities like a leader.
Doaa: To Pray, a voice of heart ,Source of connection with God.
Doanna: A person who is smart,intelligent and fun to be with
Doanne: Low and rolling hills.
Doba: A person who is studious,clever and of practical nature
Dobre: In Judaism it means good or kind
Docia: A person with good reputation
Doda: A person who is reserved,dignified and well loved
Dodd: It is used to denote a lumpish person
Dodde: A person who is adaptable and creative
Dodi: A well loved person, famous and versatile
Dodie: It means 'Gift of God'
Dodo: It means precious Gift of God, his uncle
Dody: God's Gift, A person who is well loved
Dofi: The second child after twins
Doga: It means 'Nature', they are in love with nature and God
Dogbeda: Pray
Dogg: Icelandic word for dew.
Doi: It means mountain or earth
Doiminic: Belonging to God ,Lordly
Dojin: It means path of love
Dokai: Way steps,
Dol: A variant of Dorothy, meaning gift of God.
Dola: Swing , Oscillating, one who is eager for knowledge
Dolan: Unlucky , Unfortunate, a black haired person
Dolf: Noble wolf, they are responsible and kind people
Doli: Its historical meaning is 'Bluebird'
Dolina: It means ruler of the world.
Doll: Vision, It means Gift of God
Dolley: Derived from the word dolly it means 'Gift of God'
Dollie: Vision , It also means Gift of god
Dolly: Gift of God, a blessing
Dolora: Its a derivative of German name Dolores which means 'Sorrow'
Dolorea: Virgin Mary of Sorrows
Dolores: It's derived meaning in Spanish means 'Sorrow'
Doloris: It means 'Sorrow' in Spanish
Dolorosa: Way of Suffering,Painful path
Doly: Vision ,Gift of god
Doma: One who belongs to the Lord
Domani: Tomorrow, one who does advance planning
Domenica: One who belongs to God
Domenique: It means someone who is unique and special
Domicela: Little Tamed One, belongs to Earth
Dominca: A Famous Saint, one who belongs to the Lord
Dominga: One who is born on the day of the Lord
Dominica: One who is very close to Lord
Dominika: One who belongs to the Lord and is a master
Dominique: A special person who belongs to the God
Domino: It means master of all
Domneva: Someome who can easily mingle with people
Domonique: A Lord, they have a very clever mind and active body
Dona: Lady, one who is very respectable
Donalda: They are the masters who rule many
Donaldina: World Ruler, a great leader
Donata: Given by God
Donatas: One who is being given a hand, helping nature
Donatella: Beautiful Gift of God
Donaver: Capability of doing or accomplishing something
Donda: Pinkish and small stones
Dondy: An outgoing and youthful person
Donea: They can easily relate and spread happiness
Donella: Elfin Girl who has Dark haired
Donelle: In italian it means lady.
Donia: A person who rules everybody.
Donica: Its latin meaning means to 'Give'
Donielle: A lady who is very respectful and honoured
Donita: World Mighty
Donka: Feminine form of Andon, meaning priceless.
Donna: It means a respectful title given to a lady.
Donnea: They are able, naughty and naive human being
Donnica: Morning Star, one who is determined and reasonable
Donnie: Form of Donn, one who is from underworld
Donoma: Sight of the Sun, one who belongs to Earth
Doone: One who is great in expressing themselves
Dooriya: A radiant and shining master
Dora: God's gift on Earth
Doraine: A person who is loved by all
Doralis: Gift
Dorathea: Wonderful and lovely gift of God
Dorathy: One who has vision, gift of God
Dorcas: a female deer, a Gazelle
Dorcey: One who is dark in color
Dordi: A gift from God.
Dore: Habitational name meaning a blonde
Dorea: Sea, one who came out of ocean
Doreen: A beautiful yet moody person
Doreena: Name of an Assyrian village in Iraq
Dorel: Estonian form of Dorothy. It means gift of God.
Dorene: Stady worker, blonde person
Dores: Pain and suffering
Dorete: A gift sent by God, trustworthy
Doretha: Gift of God, a determined person
Dorette: A wonderful human being who is a gift
Dori: Mother of sea nymphs, daughter of Ocean
Doria: A Legendary Greek Hero, they are brave
Doriana: One who belongs to the sea, a sea creature
Doriane: A young, bright and worthy individual
Dorianne: The one who belongs to the sea and comes out of it
Dorie: Beautiful daughter of Oceanus
Dorika: A precous gift sent from heaven
Dorina: One who belongs to the Dorian tribe, a gift of God
Dorinda: A creative individual who is a Gift of God
Dorine: A determined individual who shows compassion towards all
Doris: Daughter of Oceanus, a beautiful creature
Dorit: A unique present from the almighty God
Dorita: A beautiful and lovely creaure who is worth all the praise
Dorithie: They are caring and daring individuals
Dorka: A tactful and daring person, happy at heart
Dorla: A person who is sensitive and a gift sent from God
Doro: The one who is gift sent from heaven, introverts
Dorota: One who has bright mind
Dorotea: They are very best friends, good companion
Doroteia: A variant of Dorothea, meaning gift of God.
Doroteja: Gift of God
Dorotha: One who is the gift of God, filled with energy
Dorothe: One who has a lot of energy
Dorothea: They are talented and loving human beings
Dorothee: They are the gift of God, they are talented
Dorothy: One who has a vision and is freedom loving
Dorotta: They are the gift sent from God, of the heaven
Dorotthea: A spelling variation of Dorothea, meaning gift of God.
Dorottya: Theyare the God's gift, has special goals
Dorrie: They are the beautiful mother of Sea nymphs
Dorris: A beautiful person who is the daughter of Oceanus
Dorrit: A tactful and daring person, happy at heart; nurturing
Dorry: The one who is the gift of Isis, goddess of nurturing
Dorset: Tribe near the sea
Dorsey: A dark colored individual, in need of freedom
Dorshein: A discreet and outspoken person, nurturing
Dorte: God's gift.
Dortha: A wonderful person who is a gift from God
Dorthy: A gracious person who is a gift of God
Dory: A beautiful, blonde and gracious lady
Dorythye: A confident and mature individual
Doryty: Cornish form of Dorothy, meaning gift of God.
Doshia: A present who is sent by the God, prepared
Doshie: Name of a great Saint, compassionate individual
Dot: They are loving and stable people, god's gift
Dottie: God who sends a gift on Earth
Dotty: A person who has a gentle and sweet personality
Douce: They are virtuous and noble being
Doutzen: One who enjoys travel and is in search of adventure
Dovey: They are precious and are a gift from God
Dovie: A beautiful Dove, they are unique
Doyel: A songbird who fills the atmosphere with beautiful songs
Doyinsola: My wealth is sweet.
Draconia: Dire
Dragana: A precious person who is mature and filled with empathy
Dragica: Precious, valuable
Dragoslava: Precious glory
Drahomíra: Precious peace
Drahoslava: Precious glory
Drametha: One who has a pleasing personality
Draria: An attractive, vigilant and beautiful person