This earth was developed millions of years ago. And we all know we call our creator "God". God created this world so that every human being and animal can live together and they can help each other out. God wants every living being in this world to support each other. He has given specific work to everyone that he has to do to live in this world. and everyone has obeyed his rules and has to follow his directions. But he loves his son and daughter equally, sometime he will make you pass through a bad phase that doesn't mean that he doesn't love that means that he is making you stronger to pass through every phase of life.
God made some rules that every human being to make this earth a peaceful place to live. But he never made those rules which this society make as to follow. He never divided this society into class. He never said us to divide his son and daughter one the name of religion. He never said anyone to rule in this society. He never made a leader. Then why every time the topic of equality comes in the God is dragged in that argument, why at every argument God is used as a weapon, now even in elections, God is used as a policy to get the voters on there side.
I can bet you that today God must be crying after seeing his own sons and daughters murdered on his name. God will be very sad after seeing how some of his children are using him to rule this society. How we have changed this whole world. He made this world so that we can live together we can support each other, we can help each other out in every bad situation. But now people are killing each other to get their place to get their position. We are meant to help each other in a bad situation but now we are dragging each other in a deep hole of a bad situation. Everyone told me that God is present everywhere so help his children but no one told me that there are some clones of God are also present at the time. The clones which are there to fools us. I'm damn sure that this clone God has divided us on the name of religion on the name of caste