We have created a list of 1142 unique and meaningful baby girl names that start with letter D. This is Page 6 out of 6 pages of the list. Each page consists of 200 baby girl names.
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Drasthi: Sight,A person who is self-reliant.
Draupadi: Daughter of fire,
Drea: A courageous human being
Dreama: They are filled with joys
Dreda: One who has noble strength and is modern
Dree: A strong and manly person
Drema: They are sleepy and doze off
Drienne: One who is from Hadria, intellectual
Drifa: Icelandic word for snow.
Drina: One who defends the mankind and is a variant name
Drisana: A beautiful daughter of the Sun Lord
Drishti: Sight
Drishya: It means visible or something that can be seen.
Dristi: Sight, Focus
Drita: Its derived from albanian form dritan which means light.
Drorit: One who is gift of God
Drsana: seeing,paying respect,vision,knowledge
Drsika: A person who is efficient,consistent and independent.
Drucilla: Mighty , Strong
Drueta: They are reliable and confident people
Druhi: Nepalese word, meaning daughter.
Druilla: Elfin vision
Druk: Thunder dragon
Druki: They are peace loving individuals
Drusilla: Fruitful, they are blessed
Druti: Softened
Druva: The Bright Polar Star
Du: Head
Dua: Worship ,Prayer one who is blessed
Duaa: Prayer to Allah or God
Duana: Little dark One
Duangkamol: Right from the heart.
Duanphen: Full moon
Dubaku: Eleventh Born Child, very fortunate
Dubravka: An oak grove.
Ducel: The one who is filled with sweetness
Ducha: Small or humble.
Due: One who belongs to a tribe, wolf power
Duena: Protective Companion, a chaperon
Duha: Before noon, Morning, time of forenoon
Duhr: Time of forenoon, very good time
Dujanah: Rain
Duku: The 11th born.
Dula: Slave, a steady and determines person
Dulani: Cutting
Dulari: It means the loved one in sanskrit.
Dul�: Minute details loving person, exciting
Dulce: It means someone who is sweet by nature.
Dulcea: They are very sweet natured
Dulcia: One who is filled with sweetness
Dulciana: A freedom loving being, sweet
Dulcibella: Beautiful and majestic creature
Dulcie: A civilized and humble being, sweet
Dulcina: One who is lovely, creative
Dulcinea: One who has a sweet and lovely nature
Dumi: One who inspires others, they are powerful
Dumisani: Give praise, a honorable and well praised
Dumitra: From Demeter.
Duna: Little dark one, one who is tall and confident like a hill
Duni: Small
Dunia: They are very understanding and passionate
Dunja: They are sweet like a fruit
Dunya: Beautful and smart human being
Durable: One who maintains a lasting impression
Durah: Pearl
Durba: One who is a sacred grass
Durdaana: A single and precious Pearl
Durdana: A single and precious Pearl, jewel
Durdanah: Gold, ruby or pearl.
Durene: Someone with an enduring and everlasting personality.
Durga: Hindu Goddess, power and intelligence
Durilda: A loving, nurturing and happy person
Durkhanai: Gem. It's also the name of the heroine of famous folk tale, Adam Khan aw Durkhanai
Durmata: First power, strong as Durga
Durnave: They cannot be attained easily
Durnaz: Beautiful like pearls, adorable
Durr-e-Shahwar: Kings worthy pearl.
Durra: A variant of Durah, meaning pearl.
Durrah: One who is like a large pearl
Durrdana: A single and large pearl
Durri: Sparkling gem, glittering star
Durrishahwar: A costly and large pearl
Durriya: A glittering and sparkling person
Durriyah: One who has a bright shine
Durriyyah: Brilliant and glittering
Durva: Name of a medicinal herb
Dusana: Soul
Dusanka: Soul or spirit
Dushala: A daughter of Gandhari, alone sister
Dusièka: Soul or spirit
Duska: A variant of Dusanka, meaning soul or sprit.
Dustan: A brave warrior
Dustee: A nickname for girls
Dusti: One who freely expresses
Dutchess: A woman of a high rank
Duua: One who can be worshipped
Duva: One who can be pleaded to
Duve: The one with a thrilling personality
Duvvoori: One who is devoted towards almighty
Duyen: A charming and graceful person
Duze: They are freedom loving beings
Dvaita: One who cannot be perished
Dvesma: Whiffle
Dvita: Spiritual being who exists in two forms
Dvoire: A form of Divorah, meaning bee.
Dvorah: A bee who is also an invader
Dvosye: Yiddish form of Deborah, meaning bee.
Dwura: A form of Deborah. It means bee.
Dwynwen: A white wave of peace
Dy: A beautiful Deer
Dyan: A gentle being, a divine creature
Dyana: They are the one who are divine and majestic
Dyani: A Deer, smart and fast
Dyann: Roman divinity, divine being
Dyanna: Divine beauty known for swiftness
Dyanne: A divine individual, cultured
Dye: Who is divine like a Godess
Dylis: A true person who is also very reliable
Dylla: A self reliant individual
Dyllis: A perfect and reliable person
Dylynn: The one who immerged from the Sea
Dymond: Another name for Diamond. Precious stone or gem.
Dymphna: A little eligible peson, little poet
Dympna: A little person who is good natured
Dynastie: One who is a powerful ruler
Dyonicia: The one who is direct, impulsive and natty
Dyonisia: They are impulsive and good natured
Dyonisya: They are wonderful human being
Dyot: A noble and kind hearted person
Dysis: A pleasing and excellent sunset
Dyumna: A glorious and compassionate individual
Dyuti: One who is filled with splendor
Dželila: One who is respected and famous.
Džemila: Bosnian version of Jamila, meaning beautiful.
Dženeta: Islamic paradise
Dževada: She who is generous or exceptional.
Dzidzorli: There is happiness
Dzifa: One is at peace
Dzintara: Amber
Dzovig: A wonderful and glorious girl
Dzsenifer: A small sea, they are wide spread
Dzsesszika: A redional name for the fair lady