Have you ever wondered that happiness differ and deteriorate from time to time?Yes ! It does deteriorate not only the things which make you happy but the persons you choose to add some flavour to your happiness. The universal truth of life is " Persons change " and time changes people more rapidly than anything else.

Happiness is the most happiest thing that refreshes the person's mind and life but what if that happiness which you got is turned out to be fake or misintended ?Read on you will have an idea about it..

Time never stops for one but in turn people should run along with time in order to be on a right track on this running race called life. Life gifts us N number of things. Happiness is one among those gifts and yeah that's the best gift ever gifted by life. As years passed this gift contribution has been shared by persons (I mean persons helped life to make others happy i.e gifting someone happiness) After the contribution has been made by persons it was quite good for some years but later the fake mask of persons has been slided down and thats when the struggle began (not letting one to live peacefully ).

The olden days were only best when it comes to make the other person happy (without any private gain or self gain) The way they used to laugh with others, sharing the happiness with others was beyond anything but now due to the introduction & improvisation of new and updated technology people have no time to spend time with others or laugh with others or make someone happy. There would be some fake ness or self gain would be involved if someone is making the other person happy. (No offence to the persons with pure heart) This may not be same in all the cases but may be true in some cases and applies to some people who do some things for their personal motive.

The happiness which you had in childhood won't be equal to the happiness you are having now. Those were the golden days of life because at that stage people's involvement in one's life was not there (I mean depending on others to make yourself happy). Your life alone enjoyed the share of gifting you happiness. The more you avoid depending on others to make you happy, the better for you and your life.

The person who treated you special may not treat you better tomorrow so don't depend on others to make yourself happy and your life joyful. People change from time to time and in the same way the person who changes along with time might make an impact in your life by disturbing your life and happiness. Never trust the persons completely. Maintain some distance and make your life colourful and add some happiness to your life because it's you who can make yourself happier than anyone else in this world

Happiness starts from within







Praveen Shankar
Praveen Shankar

Poem - Food

Praveen Shankar
Praveen Shankar

Profile of Prateek Kumar
Prateek Kumar  •  4y  •  Reply
Very relatable ... :)
Profile of Kavya
Kavya   •  4y  •  Reply
Thank you so much !
Profile of Priyansha Malik
Priyansha Malik  •  5y  •  Reply
Really good writing 👍👍...check out my articles too
Profile of Kavya
Kavya   •  4y  •  Reply
Thank you so much ! Sure :)