According to the Hindus, liberation is union with God ; for they describe God as a being who can dispense with hoping for a On the nature of Moksha itself recompense or with rearing opposition, unattainable to thought, because he is sublime beyond all unlikeness which is abhorrent and all likeness which is sympathetic, knowing himself not by a knowledge which comes to him like an accident, regarding something which had not in every phase before been known to him.
“ सूर्य की मूर्ति में उसका मुख लाल कमल के पराग जैसा हो जो हीरे की भांति चमकता हो, उसके अंग फैले हुए हों, कानों में छल्ले हों, गले में रत्नमाला हो जो वक्षस्थल तक लटकी हुई हो, वह पहलूदार मुकुट ओढ़े हुए हो, हाथों में दो कमल हों और उसकी वेशभूषा उत्तर भारतीयों की जैसी हो जो टखनों तक पहुंचती हो ।