The Artistry Of Television Shows

Arjun Dogra
May 10, 2019   •  11 views

Man is great and all, but ever wondered what it would be like if all of us just died right now...
Joseph Stalin says, "Death is the solution to all of our problems, No man-No problem." The exact samethought probably crossed George RR martin's mind too when he thought of stuff like Valar Morghulis and Valar Dohaeris while creating a rather magnificent

fictional universe in the form of fat books with fancy titles. Don't worry, I
haven't read them too, but do watch Game of thrones though, it's amazing, the
chopped off heads, crazy people fighting for a badly designed throne (not to
mention incest and stuff), but that's another story altogether.
The reason why you're probably still reading this article is maybe because TV series and binge-watching is something that interests you too, let's face it, it's the greatest feeling of all time, the weird feeling when the plot takes crazy unexpected turns, that excitement

when your favourite character survives the slaughter, that satisfaction when
you finally reach the end after all those seasons and conclude what would be no
exaggeration to say, a rather beautiful journey, it's all worth it. We don't
watch these shows, we live them. Theories and studies or whatever those things
are called that find out approximations and ranges and all, say that the best
time to watch and appreciate these things is the late teens and the earlier
twenties, because that's the age when the mind can truly recognize and
appreciate a fine piece of cinematography.
So why am I writing all this? Because every day, I come across so many people who
know nothing about these shows, who know nothing about these fabulous stories
and some incredible acting woven and nurtured into something worth
experiencing, AT LEAST ONCE!!! Sure, attending classes and studying all day,
planning the future and living lives confined to your hostel bed and the
classroom (no offence, you should totally do that) sounds wonderful, you should
really watch something, I’m not saying watch them all and just binge-watch Netflix
all day, but at least some. A friend of mine suggested Breaking Bad to me about
a year back, and I thank him to this day because the when I finished watching
the last episode, I closed my laptop and just kicked back and stared at the
ceiling for I don’t know how long, but those moments were phenomenal, having watched
something that was just pure brilliance gave me such satisfaction and content
that simply cant be put into words. And if I’m completely honest with you, I wouldn’t
have watched masterpieces like Breaking Bad, Dexter, Game of Thrones, Rick and
Morty, Friends, The big bang theory…(the list is literally endless), had I not
been made aware about their existence, because sometimes you just need someone
to tell you stuff like this…
So I’m guessing that this article will do the same for so many of you reading it right now (I couldn’t thank you enough) and give you that motivation, or any other thing you may call it, anything at all that will make you experience something that you will cherish for the rest of your lives. So, go ahead, give yourself a break, switch on your laptop and pick your own story, pick your own experience, and dive into the beautiful, beautiful world of television series.



Profile of Rakshita Upadhyay
Rakshita Upadhyay  •  4y  •  Reply
you write so well. it is informative. please check my account too.
Profile of Shivam Sahil
Shivam Sahil  •  5y  •  Reply
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