Childhood should always be a painted fairy tale, and it is the birth right of every child to experience it. However, in many cases children are denied of their day to day routine in life. This tender age is the amazing stage of life where infants explore their surroundings and often be the best version of themselves before they age out of this phase. But in this modern society of Greed and ego, children tend to overcome all circumstances and try to move out from the dreadful situation of child abuse, both physically and mentally. In this world of increased number of sexual assaults against children, there has just been silence and injustice done to these children who have victimised criminals as gods for a reason.

The abuse can be in any form, either physical abuse such as violence against children rendering them to bruises, injuries and sometimes broken bones as well or it can be an emotional agenda that involves calling them names, making them feel unwanted, disliked and a burden to those around them. Sexual abuse is another form that corroborates incest and child pornography. Any of these can inflict lasting damages to their life as it is going to change their perspective as they begin to mature. However, all those who are affected do not make it to adulthood as for some without any intervention from the outside world, they remain slaves to the abusers.

Its an epidemic catastrophe widespread around the globe and it gets only worse in India. India, a country where secularism is practiced only on paper of late, people heed a blind eye to consider this sensitive issue because of their own benefits and political influence. The abusers even if caught always find loop holes to get out of the crimes done against small little angels who are meant to be the world to their parents. Due to the lust that people crave, humanity goes out of the picture. The latest headline today was about a 12 year old girl in Surat, who has become an iconic Jain monk and society claims that she has restored honour and respect to their religious community. The media claims, that even the parents are proud and have made it in to a sensation but people are too blind to see the amount emotional abuse that they are putting her through; a clear cut example of how religious faith has brainwashed us.

After Nirhubaya, the number of rape cases have drastically increased and has never ever reduced. More than women rape cases the number of child rapes have increased. A recent incident that happened in Jammu and Kashmir, an 8 year old kid was raped by a 60 year old man, just for the sake of revenge and was killed. Is this human in anyway? We always judge people but we are never bothered to choose the just and not the unjust. But with the term religion we change everything, we make decisions to justify the wrong deed. It is us who create taboos that should not be followed by anyone.

Just remember certain strategies before touching a kid in the wrong way, they are meant to be born into this world to make a better world and then we destroy their smiles when they are at the developing age. As a society and as a family we really need to raise our voice against inhumane deeds and start enforcing certain norms so that there will be a ceonsiderable amount of respect for the human race. If one person does something wrong it’s a shame to the entire human race and will remain in the history for an entity.



Profile of Aarti Nandrekar
Aarti Nandrekar  •  5y  •  Reply
Wow ! Nice article check out my articles too.
Profile of Joseph Pm
Joseph Pm  •  5y  •  Reply
woww amazing snehakutty !