This is for the love that all my beautiful broken souls out there deserve.

You must be sitting in your room right now crying over someone who didn't thought twice before letting you down or you must be contemplating and reminiscing all the memories you had with them. I know this aptly, it's hard! I know you must be going through a lot right now, shattered into bits and pieces to the core, thinking you are wretched, as all you ever did was to be there for them when you couldn't even took stand for yourself. Because you believed in them. You preached their presence in your life which made it a cakewalk.

Let me tell you this, if you stood right beside them in their hurricane and held on to them not because they can't take charge of it by their own but because you are a beautiful soul to be leaving them alone in their storm , if you've been there for them when they couldn't sleep at nights or couldn't find the right way diving deep down into their own dilemma about life or when they were losing faith in themselves and the world, then honey, you my girl, are a goddess. Not because you always knew how to make things stable but because you knew that giving up was never an alternative. You didn't do all of it to make them fall in love with you but themselves and that my love, is the most wonderful thing you could do for someone. Making them fall in love with you is elementary but the real battle is in making them fall in love with themselves because that's who's gonna stay with them. Their own self.

So my pretty yet gallant goddesses, if you are one of them who, after doing all of these things for someone without having the tint of sacrificing rather did it all willingly and yet going through that pain that you can't bear, just know please, it's time you unload that oodles of stress off your chest. Because baby girl, a soul as selfless as yours is like a pearl in the ocean. And that is priceless. Believe me, you are that gem sacred in the deep ocean where only a real men could dive to see the stunning person you are.

Be proud of always being his sane while he was dealing with his insanity. And remember you've got the power to turn the tables. Burn bridges to create some distance from the toxicity in your life. You deserve everything that you give selflessly. Because the soul as beautiful as yours deserves so much more. More than you'll ever know.

So pull yourself together and walk like a damn queen, because that's who you are. With or without him.

Your worth is to be seen by the one who is man enough to stand beside a sturdy yet modest soul that you are.

But first,Find the glee within,sunshine!

