Appearance is the way someone looks. In this modern society, people take great care of their looks. It gives people the first impression of one's personality. However, people of the present generation tend to take extra care of their appearances. I agree that looks can exert a positive impact on relational formation as it allows one to have the confidence to communicate and hence establish relationships with others. And actually, there are numerous examples in reality. Napoleon was a very short guy, but he was a powerful leader. So how can you judge the people from their external appearance?

Just as a book cannot be judged by its cover alone a person cannot be judged by his appearance alone. A yellow shiny metal looks like gold but many turn out to be brass. A highly respected man of society seems to be a savior of the poor, helper of the needy but may turn out to be a cheat and wolf in sheep's clothing. Moreover, other incredible facts show that a beautiful person may be rotten inside. Abraham Lincoln, one of the greatest American Presidents was said to be very bad looking! Once when his rival accused him to be a 'two-sided' person, Lincoln replied by saying to the audience 'if I had another face, would I wear this one? ' Now that we remember Lincoln, his character, his deeds, no one would care about what he looks like. Whether a person looks good or bad cannot be decided by himself. A man's external appearance is born and generally cannot be changed. But everyone can improve his inner quality through his efforts. A person is more likely to be loved by his attitude rather than his looks.

Most of the men would rather choose women with a common face than a good looking one. Because they know that the virtue of a woman is more important than her outer appearance. In business, a boss would never judge his employees by their external appearance, instead what he concerns would be their capability and their performance. Above all, if a person has a good appearance, he should not rely on them because it is unlikely to achieve success if he does not work hard. On the other hand, if he looks bad he should not feel depressed because he can make others respect him through his efforts.

Appearances are often deceptive.



Profile of Yalavarthy Hemasri
Yalavarthy Hemasri  •  4y  •  Reply
Thank you!
Profile of Nagateja Namburi
Nagateja Namburi  •  4y  •  Reply