"In a country well governed, poverty is something to be ashamed of .In a country badly governed ,wealth is something to be ashamed of."

One can't help but think, that these piercing words of the great Chinese philosopher Confucius have always been ignored ever since, probably, the cosmogony. The French Revolution, The Russian Revolution have been the witnesses to the aforementioned statement. What is the converging point of both of these bravura events in the history of Europe-on a wider spectrum, the world? The most apt answer is-CLASS CONFLICT.

Ever since, Industrial Revolution in England, one phenomenon has almost carved a significant niche for itself in the society of modern times. The phenomenon being consistent enrichment of the rich and even more consistent degradation of the poor. Any sorts of discussion, regarding the criterion of division of masses between the rich and the poor can be highly controversial and thus, I would like to leave it on the conscientiousness of the reader as it would only lead to unnecessary diversions from the topic at hand. As the various economies blossomed, the need for industries became almost peremptory. Before the introduction of various machines, the labour was completely manual. The factory holders, thus, in capitalist economies would exploit the workers for their profit. The problem of poor sanitation and accommodation, insufficient wages arose which contributed to the worsening of the plight of the worker. The conditions of the so-called proletariat (in Marxist philosophy) degraded, and it paved the way for unrest against the bourgeoisie (again Marxist terminology). As the cauldron of dissatisfaction reached its brim, it manifested itself in the form of uprising and revolutions.

Now, fast forward to the more modern epoch. That gulf still exists, albeit not in such extreme forms as in medieval Europe, Frequent instances of farmers committing suicide is nothing but a cruel satire on our so-called notions of progressive and strong economy. On an international spectrum the third-world diaspora is a cruel manifestation of the previously mentioned phenomena of class conflict. Majority of African nations, one for instance being Sudan, suffer enormously due to poverty.

The main reason being a long period of colonial bondage coupled with anarchy in post-colonial era. The volonists would slowly but surely exploit the natives of the colony and thereafter leave the colony in a state of complete anarchy, culminating in sanguinary power struggles, which would eventually lead to all sorts of social, financial and political discrepancies. This leaves the country reeling for fresh air and almost permanently drives it into a never-ending abyss of poverty and hopelessness.

Disturbingly, the chasm keeps on expanding. The proletariat is becoming poor by the day and the bourgeoisie richer. This aberration needs to be corrected. Let us all realise that poverty and exploitation are most heinous of all crimes on earth The under-privileged diaspora needs to be edified and emancipated. Education must imbibe in the minds of individual, a sense of duty towards those in desperate need of some redemption. Developed nations must cast a benevolent look over the nations eeeling under the effect of poverty and hopelessness. Let every individual be entitled to food, education and a roof over his head. The fraudulent and debauch practices of the governments worldwide, need to go and a sincere effort should be made towards the needy, for in the very words of Frederick Douglass, the renowned American orator and statesman:

"Where justice is denied, where poverty is enforced, where ignorance prevails and where any one classs Is made to feel that society is an organized conspiracy to oppress, rob and degrade them, in that society, neither persons nor property would be safe."

