Notions of beauty have been attached to humans since ancient times. These notions of beauties have changed from time to time with the constantly changing trends. In India, beauty is most often described as having a lighter skin tone. One of the major contributions in the breeding of the idea of “fair is beautiful” was made by the colonial rulers. This colonial legacy is now deeply embedded in the Indian social structure. Colonized people were not merely exploited laborers or workers, but also the people who were belittled and considered inferior to their colonizers in every respect.  
The notion of white supremacy advocating ‘white is good’ and ‘fair is beautiful’ was inculcated in the Indian soil through the colonial regime. Colonialists tried to change the perception of beauty based upon the whiteness of skin and unfortunately, they succeeded. India was able to free itself from colonial rule but is still struggling to free itself from the notions of beauty inseminated by them to show their superiority over us.
The idea to judge one’s beauty isn’t just limited to color, other factors like height, size, shape, eyes, sexuality, age are also used to set standards of beauty. In my opinion, beauty is personal. Different people might have different perceptions about beauty having an influence of their culture, ethnicity, color, religion, or sexuality upon their thoughts. Beauty comes from within and begins the moment when we finally start accepting ourselves the way we are, carrying our values and self-worth confidently.
