A Story Of Depression Not Mental Illness.

Vaibhav Tiwari
Jun 24, 2019   •  18 views

Depression, it’s not dull or catchy word but rather a state of mind sadly most of our young generation is suffering through. But people often confront depression as a mental illness rather than being the state of our mind, especially in India. In our Indian society, depression is this intense mental which is handled shamming and tag of “mental patient” in our society rather than helping the depressed and talking the way out of their condition. This condition of our society has already claimed many lives and if people still do not become aware, it will claim many more lives.

Today Depression is most found in budding teenagers and college students. Problems like home-sickness, heart-breaks,feeling of an outcast or fear of inferiority have taken the heart of today's teenagers. The reason behind this being the effects of Generation gap in our society. Generation Gap is a problem which every society of the world faces but it has a greater impact in India. Parents are obsessive to their children's academic achievements without acknowledging their personal lives . A survey tells that more 69% of Indian teenagers feel that they cannot talk to their parents about whatever that goes on in their life. The reason behind this feeling of Indian teens is that them feeling that they get dismissed by the parents while seeking someone to talk about their feelings . All this leads to children becoming more and more depressed.

Parents need to realize that everything is a part of life and no one thing can become someone’s entire life, even studying. The way studying is an important phase of our life, in the same way confronting emotions is also an important part of it and they should help their children to understand and face these emotions with the help of their experience. Parents should stop thinking about depression as “pagalpan” and rather help their children out of that phase by providing them proper help instead of hammering nails of society and reputation in their children’s condition which eventually becomes their coffin. We must treat depression as a phase, not a mental illness and should reassure our children of not being alone in this.

These two lines below are the story of many these days and we should hear and taken care of it, not crush it:

“Yes, I feel sorrow and yeah I do feel pain,

Some of it I do understand and

some it makes my eye rain,

But I do know the difference

between right and wrong and have not lost my sense of hope,

All I need is a little help and

guidance to cope,

I might be pathetic and not live

up to some name,


you need to understand that I am just Depressed and not Insane…”

