It is a very normal situation when one can feel sad about any kind of bad condition that he or she is facing, but depression is the word that does not bring average sadness. Depression can have an effect on a person’s work, relationship with family members, and overall happiness.

People who are suffering from depression have a risk of their physical and mental health.

There are some common terms that are searched online like depression in teens, women, men and elderly people along with depression cure.

To overcome symptoms of depression and to learn how to cope with their illness; depression therapy can help patients. The medical options are too available to reduce or completely remove depressive tendencies.

What do you mean by depression?

Depression is defined as a mood disorder that causes an individual to feel despondent alongside a deep and sometimes unexplainable sadness. This mental state is also characterized by pessimism and feelings of inadequacy.

Depression in children

Symptoms of childhood depression vary and can take on many forms ranging from poor attention to poor academic performance, which is often dismissed by parents as tantrums of the child. Depression is one of the most commonly diagnosed mental disorders in children.

Depression in teens

Many factors may contribute to teenage depression such as divorcing parents, changing bodies, or bullying. Depression in teens can lead to poor self-image, loss of social skills, poor academic performance, self-harm, and suicide. Depending on the severity of the depression, doctors may suggest treatment of medication, talk therapy, or both.

Depression in women

Premenstrual issues, postpartum depression, menopause, and other hormonal fluctuations can play a large role in female depression. Thyroid problems and issues with body image are two other major sources of depression in women. Women who are feeling withdrawn and sad are encouraged to seek support from friends, family, talk-therapy, and to consult with their doctor about medical treatment for depression.

Depression in men

Men exhibit different signs of depression than women do - often coping with escapist behavior such as spending excessive amounts of time at work or indulging in hobbies. Men are also more likely to resort to substance abuse or drug abuse.

Depressed women are more likely to attempt suicide then men, however, men are more likely to contemplate suicide. For this reason and many more, men who are struggling with stress or depression should seek treatment.

Depression in the elderly

Depression in the elderly is a common problem, but by no means should it be considered a normal part of aging.

Stress and depression in the elderly are associated with an increased risk of death from an illness as well as other health conditions. Studies also indicate that depression in the elderly can make it more difficult to rehabilitate, making it all the more important to seek treatment from a medical professional immediately.

What are the symptoms and signs of Depression?

Those who experience depression symptoms often notice acute.

Signs of depression are often difficult to explain when the sufferer cannot attribute any real reason for the sadness they are feeling.

Depression symptoms in men are much the same as depression symptoms in women. The core symptoms of major depressive disorder include:

1.   Sadness

2.   Anhedonia (the inability to experience pleasure)

3.   Antisocial

4.   Stress and anxiety

5.   Low energy

6.   Feelings of worthlessness or guilt 

7.   Changes in sleep patterns (insomnia/hypersomnia)

8.   Thoughts of suicide

9.   Feeling depressed nearly every day

What are the different types of Depression?

Depression is a common and serious medical illness that negatively affects how you feel the way you think and how you act.

 The most common depression types include but are not limited to:

1.   Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) It is categorized as clinical depression. Patients must have ongoing depressive symptoms for this diagnosis to apply. 

2.   Premenstrual Syndrome It can cause feelings of extreme stress, sadness, mood swings, and fatigue often associated with depression. These symptoms often last only for the duration of a woman's menstrual cycle.

3.   Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) It is often triggered by the change in seasons and a disturbance in the circadian rhythm of the body.

4.   Bipolar Disorder It is categorized by periods of mania. Symptoms often include irritability, hopelessness, disorganization, insomnia, lethargy, as well as high-highs and low emotional lows.

5.   Postpartum Depression (PPD) It occurs in new mothers who have just given birth. PPD is often accompanied by violent and suicidal thoughts as well as other depressive symptoms.

Understanding the different faces of this condition will help patients learn how to fight depression and see which treatments will be most effective.

What causes depression?

Depression can occur for several reasons.

Many theorize that chemical imbalances in the brain are hereditary or that people are simply born predisposed to depression.

Personal outlooks and attitudes can affect how depression could affect an individual.

For example, psychological factors may include a strict upbringing or trauma such as rape or physical assault which can have a direct impact on whether or not a person will develop depression.

Depression can also be triggered by environmental factors such as:

1.   Stress at work

2.   Divorce

3.   Loss of a loved one

4.   Social isolation

5.   Health issues

What type of treatment is best for depression?

Those who are in depression can take help from medical, physical, and emotional techniques.

These include:

1.   Medication

2.   Therapy and counseling

3.   Psychoeducation 

4.   Support groups

5.   Alternative medicine (such as improving diet and exercise)

6.   Experimental treatments

It is essential for the patients that they should discuss treatment options with their primary care physician to see which depression treatment will be best suited to their circumstances.

Choosing the best way for how to treat depression will depend much on the patient’s personal preferences, age, and health.







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