Teenage pregnancy is defined as having at least one pregnancy before the age of 14 and 19.

Teenage pregnancy is a social problem not in developing countries and in some developed countries. The ignorance about the sexuality and reproduction both in parents, teachers, and adolescents increases the early initiation of coital relations and of unwanted pregnancies.

Christ Centered Councilling Network ( CCCN), has researched into it and found poverty, broken home, separation of couples, single parent, death,pressure, lust, religions beliefs, rape, sexual abuse, lack of knowledge about pornography all the major causes of teenage pregnancy.

Teenage mothers are likely to complete high school, all more likely to live in poverty and have children who frequently experience health and developmental problems.

11% of the world's teenage pregnancy happens in India.

Shocked ?
In fact India has one of the highest rates of early marriage in the world. Therefore , it is not surprising . One of the world's highest numbers of teenage mothers, given that in India in the context of marriage.

For this we need to talkregarding sex lifediscussionabout sex and its harmful effect at early stages. Everything is good but at proper time and place but for that parents , teachers need to discuss it. So, thatyou can stop something before it destroy someones life and future.

