Should Students Be Assigned Homeworks?

Tiasa Biswas
Jun 07, 2019   •  25 views

"Should homeworks be assigned or not" is a debatable topic since ages it is quite evident that from a teacher's point of view, Homeworks are necessary for better understanding of topics. Yet, some parents feel that homeworks should be abolished, especially when the child is in higher classes as they feel students need more spare time and require to pay attention to other co-curricular activities. However, homework has it's advantages and disadvantages,it still holds an important place on the life of a student and her studies.

Due to the need of guided practice of topics being taught in a classroom of half an hour, a homework is assigned so that student gets to understand the topic by completing exercises or activities provided as a task to complete in home. From my personal view point I feel, all students do not work at the same speed. Thus giving students time at home to finish works keeps them falling from behind. Benefits of regular homework is no doubt huge but only when it is provided in correct amount, and at the right time. Homework is essential for mastering new skills and also maintaining previously learned lessons. Nowadays students start aiming for life after school at a quite tender age. They run for tuitions coachings that focus on a particular form of studying. Students who engage themselves in Medica or entrance coaching falls behind as they do not have enough time to complete tasks provided by school. And truly speaking, balancing school and tuitions focusing medical or joint entrances are absolutely not possible.

From a teacher's perspective, homework is beneficial as it enables her to keep a track record on every student's performance. She can point out places where the student needs to provide more effort. Thus for better understanding, homework is necessary. Homeworks also teach student a great value of time management, only when homeworks are providing in the required amount. Excess homeworks can lead to overload which might ultimately have negative effects. Students don't find interest in studies when homeworks are excessive and uninteresting.

In the current scenario of education, emphasis is laid on the overall development of a child, rather than simply focusing on her education. Students are taught to multitask simultaneously along with other activities. This freshens up one's mind and focus. Today, competition is a vital factor. Everyone is in a rat race of success. In such circumstances,if they are loaded with homeworks, this gradually compels that child to retaliate from studies. Homeworks no doubt consumes time and stresses out a child because of overload of the subjects itself. Various subjects are now being taught in schools. If homeworks are provided per subject, the time of self -learning is wasted.

Homework also restricts children from playing and other physical activities which is important for their health and fitness. Building up a healthy body and a good immunity system at this age is necessary. Thus avoiding homework will give students some spare time to breathe fresh air and look after their own health.

Therefore presumably, there is an optimal point,a balance at which the students are doing enough homework to get maximum amount of learning from the experience before stress and resentment begin to hinder the learning process. Students need to establish where the balance is, and shower that daily homework is either to little,too much or just right for meeting that balance point.



Profile of Tiasa Biswas
Tiasa Biswas  •  4y  •  Reply
Thank you so much Riddhi😍 your comment means a lot!
Profile of Riddhi Bhattacharyya
Riddhi Bhattacharyya  •  4y  •  Reply
The topic was quite a bit tough.. but you expressed the fact in a beautiful way. Keep it up