Who are you?
Is the most common question that pops up in everyone’s head when met with a stranger. We meet new people every day. Some of them we talk to, others we observe and yet others that just go unnoticed. We pay attention to the people who we think we can sync with. Most of the times when we fail to talk to an unfamiliar person are because of a simple fear that arises in our minds. “What would the other person think of me?” Or “Will the next person be agitated by my direct approach?” It is this fear of being judged that keeps us from communicating with any outsider.

Let us compare the life of a Human being to a book. We are all books with various chapters written in many different inks and languages and that is what makes us different. But we can make an effort to approach other people to read their stories. We are human beings and not abridged editions with our lives boiled down to a hundred and forty-five characters and we deserve more from each other.

Here are 2 simple steps for effective and better communication :
The first 1 minute is the hardest because you don’t know anything about the other person, How should you do to start a conversation?

Step 1 – Say the normal hello and your name.
Step 2 – instead of the small talk of how are you and questions like that, ask a personal question (don’t be too personal) ask questions like how are things going in business or school

some really good questions can be "Were you born and brought up here or did you get shifted if you shifted what was like, your first day in the city."

" How did you end up in this place?" etc. These questions relatively increase the interest of the other person to talk to you. This way you can start up a conversation and you may never know that it ends up to become the start of a new friendship.

It may be hard for you to begin a conversation and sure you will fail multiple times and later over think and regret this decision, but after a few trails, picking up conversations and talking to other people will be easier. And after multiple such talks, no one can stop you from being good at it. Holding up good conversation and bringing out the best in the people will make more and more people interested to talk to you.

In conclusion, In this big world known as the library, are we just going to look at the hardbound copies with their individual and different covers or are we going to take a book and start reading our favorite chapters?



Profile of Nishtha Sharma
Nishtha Sharma  •  4y  •  Reply
great! do visit my articles too!
Profile of Khushi B
Khushi B  •  4y  •  Reply
This was really helpful❤️