Dhanu Jatra, the world’s biggest open-air theatre festival. The festival is being held in Bargarh, Odisha since 1947. Dhanu Yatra begins with the King of Mathura Kansa ascending the throne and ends with Lord Krishna killing his uncle.
During the festival, the small town will be transformed into Mathura, the kingdom of Kansa. River Jeera will turn into the Yamuna. And Ambapali, which is located on the outskirts of the town, will become the mythical land of Gopapura. Not only the actors but the public too take part in this annual drama. This festival continues for 11 days.
Surprisingly, the geographical area of Bargarh town and Ambapali village is similar to that of Mathura and Brindavan. The festival is based on the mythological story of Lord Krishna and his demon uncle Kansa. The drama begins with the marriage of Debaki and Basudeba. Angry over the marriage of his sister, prince Kansa dethrones his father, Ugrasena and thus becomes the new king of Mathura Nagari.
During this festival, King Kansa becomes the supreme ruler of Bargarh town. He rides on an elephant and moves around the town every evening, which is known as ‘Nagar Parikrama’. He monitors the work of different departments and orders the concerned officials to perform their duties properly.
As a part of this festival, the people of Bargarh obey his commands. He also imposes fines on offenders. He invites ministers, legislators and administrative officers to his Durbar and assigns them important tasks. For the entertainment of the king, dance troupes come to perform from different parts of the world.
On the other side of river Jeera, the people of Ambapali village witness the important episodes of Lord Krishna’s childhood. People paint their houses beautifully before the beginning of the festival. They worship Lord Krishna and brother Balaram.
On the first day of the festival, a carnival is organized. In this cultural procession, officers of District Administration and cultural troupes from different parts of Odisha take part.
Every evening spectators enjoy cultural programmes in Kansa Durbar and Rang Mahal. Dancers from across India mesmerize the audience with their performances. During Dhanu Jatra, various ministers of Odisha, administrative officers, sports players and artists visited the Durbar of King Kansa.
On the last day of the festival, lakhs of people gather in the town to witness the killing of King Kansa at the hands of Lord Krishna.
The celebration of Bargarh Dhanu Jatra is associated with India’s Independence. The festival started in 1948 to celebrate the freedom of India. The annual drama ends with the killing of King Kansa by Lord Krishna on Pousa Purnima. This annual drama celebrates the victory of good over evil. It is attached to the emotions of the people of Bargarh Town.