My First Year- Way To New Journey

Shubham Singla
Jun 23, 2019   •  9 views

New journey

Hi, there I am here describing my how my first year of engineering goes. It will be helpful for freshers as they will get to know what to do or not to in their college life. So, let's start first of all when you come to college all your restrictions are getting over now you are not under any influence of teachers just the shit you have to face in school like don't be fancy and so more. But here you are living with new energy and joy. Ya, college is not like as you saw in films, not everyone has a girlfriend, I think which all nibbas feel before coming to college that they will make. So, we try to not to go in a relationship with anybody in 1st year, after completing your first year you will get this what I am saying. So, you have full freedom as compared to your school, and if you are living in a hostel, then this college life would be going to best for you in your whole life But be aware this is the age that many go under the wrong direction, always protect or restrain yourself from drugs or cigarettes. As you go to college you will get to know who is right for you and who is not and you start making friends and you get to know which is right for me or which is wrong. You will find many snakes in your college who always betray you. I also found some of them in my first year; they pretend that they will care for you and then stab you from your back. Be aware of them and most funny part mass bunk(xD). You will understand what is mass bunk and how many up for this, you will always find one or two students who are not up for this, leave them. So, in the first year, you will get a lot of friends to try to make connections with seniors as they would help you with your problems. It will go good if you manage all things properly, otherwise you all have to face some problems. Always be punctual with time and ready to face any problem. Hope this helps you.If you are talking about the study part, then let me tell you its not that difficult. So just chill. You will find many of the concepts that you must have already studied during your 11th and 12th grades.
But if you are away from home for the first time then you could feel that something is missing but that would be fine in a few months. Just remember to make good friends. And don't judge people suddenly.Overall it can be fun if you take things positively and don't overburden yourself. And one more thing do participate in many more events happen regularly in college, it just helps you to learn new things.



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Shubham Singla  •  5y  •  Reply
Thanks a lot!!