As we have stepped into another beautiful year, everyone has their to do list for this new year. People welcome new year with new hopes, new energy and resolutions. Everyone has their own resolutions or to do list, be it in personal or professional life. I would like to share a "To do list" that might be applicable for all of us and hoping it to be liked by you all, so here it goes:

  1. Devote some time daily to god and prayer. 🙏😊🌹

  2. Take more time out for family and friends.👨‍👩‍👧‍👦☕️🍧🍟☔️💐🎪🚗

  3. Learn a new hobby which you like.✍️💃🌲🍱🎨🎼🎹

  4. Expertise in your favourite game. 🏏🏸🏹⛹️‍♀️🤾‍♂️🎸🎳🎯

  5. Spend less time with mobile.😉🤗

  6. Try to read more books as it is said books are our best friends. 📕📖

  7. Visit orphanages and old age homes with your family and friends.👶👨‍🦳

  8. Its good to be crazy sometimes.😜 Go for river rafting, bunji jumping, sky diving etc.🧗‍♀️🚤🏄‍♂️

  9. Fall in love with nature.🦚🌾🌞🌈🌦

  10. Visit the places you love. 🏍🚙🚎🚞✈️🛳

  11. Go for concerts and live sport matches. 🕺🏏🤹‍♀️🏟

  12. Go for elephant and horse riding. 🐘🐎

  13. Try to always think good and be good.😊👍

  14. Keep smiling.😊😊😊

  15. Love and respect everyone.🙏👏