Game of Thrones is a show known for its surprising twists and complex character arcs. With its recent finale, it is all the buzz is about. Here are the top five game of thrones reminiscent of the past eight seasons.

Petyr Betrays Ned

This is one of the first twists of the now well known show, as the audience were taken aback at the sudden change of story line which was initially in favour of the protagonist, Ned Stark. It almost seemed that Ned Stark could sucessfully dethrone King Joffery with regards to the events leading to that moment. Though a shocking betrayal, it showed a realistic progression making us realise what the show might actually hold for us in the future.

The Real person behind Joffery's Death

Joffery's death in itself was a welcomed surprise but there was a huge question mark as to who really was behind his death. It was Tyrion Lannister who had to face the reprucussions but it was later revealed that it was none other than Lady Olenna Tyrell, Margaery's grandmother, who just refused to let her granddaughter live on with that "beast" who perpretated the murder alongside Lord Petyr Baelish.

Jon Snow killing Daenerys

With this surprising twist taking place near the end of the series, it definitely took the audience with quite a surprise. Daenerys's story arc both started and ended quite tragically slowly making way to her madness. However, no one can deny the shocking nature as Jon plunges his dagger into her heart following Tyrion's counsel.

Sansa & Arya kill Littlefinger

For sever seasons, Littlefinger was one of the smartest and political characters who always knew how to play his cards right. In his attempt to turn the Stark sisters, Arya and Sansa against each other a shocking outcome comes into play. However, the sisters have a plan of their own and they turn, punishing Littlefinger, which makes him go down to his knees begging, before Arya slashes his throat, finally avenging the death of their father, Ned Stark.

The Red Wedding

The slaughter of the starks is most definately one of the most defining moments of the entire series. The entire scene capsulates exactly how things go from endering and good to something very very wrong in just a few seconds. It is a culmination of various storylines, traumatising as hell and obviously, unexpected taking everyone by surprise. Game of Thrones was never the same after this moment.



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