3 Things I Do Each Day That Help Me Thrive

Shraddha Joshi
Jul 01, 2019   •  99 views

After another ineffective year of staying aware of my resolutions, I quit making resolutions through and through. Basically in light of the fact that I couldn’t stay aware of them. I would get spurts of productivity and no sooner January was finished, I overlooked them. I would then spend the rest of my year with self-hatred which was much more terrible.

This year I have zero resolutions. Rather, I developed habits that assist me accomplish the best form of myself. I didn’t roll out any titanic improvements, truly, as that would set aside me more effort to adjust to them. What’s more, chances were I may have stopped. I began with minor propensities first as effectively adjusting to them would propel me for significant ones. Here are the three habits I formed that help me be better everyday.

1. Avoiding social media immediately after waking up

Do you stay in bed for an hour after waking up, scrolling through your social media accounts and then feel grumpy? A lot of us are guilty of this. We all know how difficult it is to get out of the Instagram-Twitter-Facebook cycle once we start scrolling. After being sick of this vicious cycle, I decided to not check my social media accounts right after waking up. Avoiding social media the first thing after waking up makes me feel less cranky because I am not comparing my life with others. Additionally, I complete my morning tasks quicker so I utilize that calm little extra time for myself before the hectic day progresses.

2. Reading every day

I have always loved reading but as I grew older I found it difficult to take out time to read because of academics. Presently, I spend nearly four hours travelling every day. I began using my traveling time by reading books. Additionally, I participated in book reading challenges to motivate myself to read more. Much the same as our body our brain needs an activity as well, and reading is the best exercise for the brain. On days when I don’t feel like reading while travelling, I make sure I read at least twenty pages before sleeping. The drill is, I don’t use my phone while I am reading. This enables me to think and reflect on what I am reading without any distractions.

3. Gratitude

My day finishes by making a note of things I am thankful for before sleeping. It very well may be the simplest of the thing like the food I ate or finishing a task on time. I highlight the positive part of my day and express my gratitude for it. Feed your soul with positive energy. What you give to your soul will flourish in you. Practicing gratitude has made me realize that you attract what you acknowledge. If you focus on what you don’t have you will always be bitter thinking about it and pull in pessimism in your life. Acknowledge what you have and be appreciative for it while progressing in the direction of what you need. Appreciation is the best disposition.

“We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.”

