With Tsu-Namo sweeping over in the Lok Sabha elections, the country saw yet another historic win of the Bhartiya Janata Party led by Shri Narendra Damodardas Modi. The 17th Lok Sabha elections proved the mettle of the party and that of our Honourable Prime Minister. For the second straight time, Modi ji joins the likes of Jawaharlal Nehru and Indira Gandhi in claiming such a whooping majority and a clean sweep.

The party has continued to leave the voters spellbound by its duties and actions and has left no stone unturned to introduce changes in the largest democracy of the world. Although, politics is a nasty job and nobody’s hands are clean so as to point fingers, yet we can say that in a country of 900 million eligible voters, there has to be something which stands out in order to hold power. The exit polls were also in favour of the party but nobody expected such a magnificent victory. The stress and anxiety levels in every Indian household due to the elections has never been a secret. The jitters and pre-election result tension was palpable as the counting of the votes started. Prior to the elections, India saw a great battle between two parties : the UPA led by our very own, Rahul Gandhi and NDA led by our Honourable Prime Minister. The former raised issues of employment, jobs, farmer distress and economy while the latter stood strong on the age old values of Nationalism and its umpteen schemes introduced to alleviate the pain and sufferings of the under privileged and women. The Congress party even brought Srimati Priyanka Gandhi to the battlefield of politics but her compelling speeches and aura were not able to dim the light and charisma of the speeches by Modi ji.

BJP also uprooted regional parties in West Bengal and various other places and gained strong foothold in all these places. The saffron party swept away in Gujarat, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Bihar by securing all the seats in the respective constituencies. With country’s economy, Sensex and Nifty soaring at an all time high, the new government shall have a fair share of challenges but we hope, pray and wish that the bundle of promises are fulfilled and the country’s development remains progressive.

