Actions Speak Louder Than Words

Saptarshi Saha
May 12, 2019   •  1 view

In today's world it seems everyone has an opinion about everything. Everyone around you seems to have their own credo, their own principles, a view on how to do a job, how to live. Seems like everyone has their lifes figured out. But, How many of them do we actually see following on their tenets. It should be kept in mind that "Actions speak louder than words".

Having an opinion about thing is one thing, saying that one believes in a philosophy is easier. Practising that in real life, incorporating them in their lives is what makes it difficult. The saying goes rightly that one should be judged by their work, not by their words. People easily say philanthrophy is a good deed, but rarely we them helping poor. The greatest example of this are our politicians. Their manifestos and what the speak makes them look like petty hypocrites when contrasted with their actions.

It is therefore very necessary to have a consistency in what we say and we actually do. One thing should be kept in mind that while assessing other individuals too we should be doing this by checking how they live upto their principles in their own life.

