Kindness is something which comes from within. It is that emotion which cannot be forced onto you but it would be into you. Not every individual on this planet is kind enough to part with their possession. However, kindness is that virtue which makes an individual strong. Little children are kind enough to understand the feeling when they see someone crying or having a bad day. They too have that instincts which we have and their mind is young enough to not do things for show off and anything and everything they do comes from their heart.

Most of the time kindness and, generosity is misunderstood as weakness of the individual and people often tend to take advantage of their kindness. Most of the kind people do not say anything to them who wrong them, and that is the reason why they are considered to be being a coward. However, the thing is that they are mature enough to ignore the stuffs which brew behind them. They are the ones who think about the well being of others and are really nice people. The most hurtful thing is that these people will always do good things for people and help them but what they receive at the end is dissapointment.

Kindness is a virtue and if someone possesses this virtue then he can have a successful life in the long run. This is because the work of a kind person will always be looked upon by people and everyone will remember his good deeds. What goes around, comes around. These are the words of “karma” and so whenever a good deed is done, you must believe that the same will be done to you. So one must work hard and not wait for others but themselves should start working so that you become an example for others to follow. Being courteous and good will add on to your personality and the most important thing is that it will make you feel happy from inside. You will feel happy and contented and this will increase your motivation to do good work.

Every time you perform a good task, it makes you feel good about the world and yourself. It also helps you in building trust and make you believe that there are good people as well on this planet. Thus one must stay kind and generous as this is a quality which promotes your personality and after all what’s better than being a good and kind person.

