During the ancient times, people who did not possess any knowledge about science in general considered their existence as a part of something big made by "The Almighty God". They used to believe in the concept of heaven and hell and how our souls would go to the place of angels if our karma is good and we have done no harm to other creatures or to the place of the Damned if we have commited any one or all of the Seven Deadly Sins.
The bible consists of a detailed account of all the actions which led to a tarnished soul. It describes the Seven Deadly Sins as the capital vices or the cardinal sins. One had to overcome all of these sins in order to be pure in health and spirit. They are:
Lust is a strong passion or longing, especially for fullfilling their sexual desires. It can take any form such as the lust for sexuality, money , power and many other mundane forms. Procreation in general is not a lustful act but using it as an excuse for temporary pleasure or advantage is indeed a lustful action. It is a powerful force which is often difficult to contain as one can get confused due to the immense amount of pleasure it creates for the person.
2. Gluttony
Gluttony is the continous and excessive amount of eating and drinking. The Bible says whatever you drink or eat, do it for the glory of God. Overeating falls into the Seven Deadly Sins only if the person who possesses the food in excess amounts and has the ability to share it with the poor but does not do so.
3. Greed
In the Bible it is written that Greed is an excessive pursuit and insatiable longing of material goods. The purpose of greed is basically to deprive others of potential means like things which are required for survival and comfort for example food, shelter and other forms of potential means.
4. Sloth
Sloth is an excessive laziness or the failure to act and utilize one’s talents. This sin is particularly very difficult to be classified as a sin as it refers to a peculiar amount of notions such as mental, spiritual, physical and pathological states. Most people have fallen prey to laziness and comitting this sin is now very common among people in the world. It is also defined as the alienation of the sentient self first from the world and then from itself.
5. Wrath
Anger is manifested in the individual who spurns love and opts instead for fury. It is also known as one of the Seven Deadly Sins known as Wrath. It is the manifestation of strong hate and anger towards a person.According to the Cathecism of the Catholic Church the neutral act of anger later becomes an act of sin when it gets directed towards a person who is innocent.
Envy is similar to greed and lust as it also comes with a sad or resentful covetousness towards the traits or possessions of a person. It gets triggered when another person achieves their goal before ours which comes with the feeling of inferiority and contempt.
Pride is an excessive view of one's self without regard for others.what we feel when the success and status are our own. Pride, like envy is a human universal, and is another of the sins considered by psychology to be an emotion. Darwin categorized it alongside states such as vanity and suspicion as a ‘complex emotion’. It is believed that Pride is rewarding and thereby encourages us to persevere for long-term gain – in a sense, helping to overcome sloth but it is considered as a sin because it gives rise to other personality trait problems such as aggressiveness and anxiety.
The only way to avert ourselves from all the Seven Deadly Sins is to be in temporance to implant the desire to be healthy, chastity or self-control, patience, kindness and most of all humility.