Check out our very own collection of beauty products, you will love it!

1) First one to pop up, individuality. Very basic yet an essential product. You can use it as a primer. The ingredients in it will prevent you from living someone else's life, no shackles of fear, you're set free.

2) Smile, something that comes in different shades. Wear a smile on your face, not the fake one but a bright one. A smile which makes your day as well as someone else's.

3) Consume an adequate dose of self love-

Brown for beauty,

XLarge for love,

Weird for wonderful,

This product will help you embrace your flaws and eventually you'll love yourself just the way you are!

4) Before leaving for the day, do apply a layer of positivity screen to block thegloomy and pessimistic rays.

5) Towards the end, give a finishing touch by treating yourself with your favourites. It's okay to give into cravings sometimes.

