Insecurities are messed up. I’ve rarely seen people talk of what makes them feel insecure. It’s like this rage of self doubt that takes over and wrecks every positive thought in its way. The tricky part is you never know what makes another person insecure. It’s like walking over a minefield,one wrong step and the damage is unimaginable. Everything you’ve been suppressing seems to have come back to haunt you. This desperate need of seeking validation from others and being “perfect “ has taken over and we’re all victims here. The perfect body,perfect face,perfect life, look at how competitive social media has gotten. We’re our biggest critiques,we keep telling ourselves we’re not good enough. Unknowingly those who are around us may it be our closest friends or family too sometimes remind us of flaws we try to stay positive about. I suffered issues with my skin and the problem was really obvious, I wouldn’t go around hiding my face. But I would just pray every day that nobody stares at me and points out what I already couldn’t get out of my head. “What’s going with your face? “ “ Why is your skin like that?” I heard this a lot on multiple occasions and that did harbour some really negative thoughts which stayed with me for the longest of time.

I want everyone reason this to know that irrespective of the scars your face or your body no matter what skin tone you have, what your weight is or how tall or short you are I think you’re perfect. I think you deserve all the love in the world just for who you are. I wouldn’t want anyone to change themselves unless it’s something that you wish for. I had been a healthy kid ever since 5th grade and my weight fluctuated a lot in between but I realised that I needed to change that about myself. I wanted to be a better version of myself. I was bullied in sixth grade when I changed schools and surprisingly it was my physique that they had decided to tease me about. But I was rather young to let that affect me in a way that I’d want to change myself. I started working out because it made me feel better. The exhaustion and hard work becomes addictive and you look forward to going to the gym. I’ve become much more positive since I’ve started working out and I always tell people close to me that you really do not have to change yourself until and unless that change occurs from within.

I know in the long run this passion I have will be beneficial for me. I don’t expect myself to look like these bodybuilders or the actors we see onscreen. My goal is to remain active and stay positive about who I am. Think about the pressure that exists because of this constant comparison. Idolising these people on social media platforms has got young minds preoccupied with senseless applications. Followers,comments and likes have become and obsession. I want us and the generation after us to understand that they should be who they are unapologetically. We don’t have to hate ourselves. I know how difficult it can be to talk about what makes you feel insecure. Look at how mainstream social media has become. Profile after profile it’s all so pretentious. By being who you are you’ll stand out. Don’t let social media decide who you should be. Don’t let social media make you feel like you aren’t perfect. People around you love you for who you are. You don’t have to be aesthetic all the time. We need to find happiness outside social media. We need to focus on where we’re headed in life. Be kind.



Profile of Vallabhi U
Vallabhi U  •  5y  •  Reply
Well composed ideas! I wrote something on a similar genre. Pls be so kind as to check it out too :)