We live in a world where if you say the wrong answer, you get laughed at. Where if you dress up in a way, you get looked at. Where your grades aren't good as others you look stupid. Where people say "you need to loose weight" and "you need to gain weight". We live in a world where people don't know what others are going through. Where people are harsh. Where people are rude, they get mean. We also live in a world where lies compassion on the edge of the world. Where we have to find them. We live in a world where if you don't know what you wanna do with your life, you won't have one. Where if you make out with 3 boys you are a whore and if you haven't kissed one then you don't belong. Where if you aren't a *part of the crowd* you are a loser. We live in a world where people want us to live with their expectations. They want us to understand their pain, show affection but won'treciprocate half the amount of it back. We live in a world where we judge people and that same people can end their life over it.

We live in a world where being yourself isn't accepted.

