19 Things I Learned Before I Turn 19!

Pratiksha Chaudhary
May 28, 2019   •  16 views

1. Your mother is your best friend.
No matter how many times you argue, fight she is gonna enjoy your jokes the hardest and is always going to love you without any reasons.

2.Family is everything.
After living the best days and having bad days your family is the one that will keep you sane. No matter how you feel even if you don't communicate there is always a self of calm when you are at home in the presence of all your family members.

3.Friends are family too.
There are friendships that are beyond the regular hi hellos. These are people who know you the most real after your own family. Always hold on to them.

4. All friends are not family.
There are going to be people who will just be acquaintances, people you regularly know. Everyone who tries to be nice or is nice to you is not always your friend. Sometimes people only learn you to hurt you.

5. People will hurt you.
Maybe family, maybe friends or maybe your competitors anyone will try to hurt you, bring you down because that will lead to hinder your process of growth. Acceptance is the key when dealing through the lows. Don't dwell on bad moments. Move on.

6. Save, save, save.
Money is not everything, but it is important. Saving doesn't mean not enjoying but it is important to inculcate this quality from the very beginning, it only helps in the future. Learn to save. Its part of a healthy adulting process.

7. Love yourself first.
Keep aside all your romantic relationship dynamics aside and learn self love. As cliche it may sound but the truth is no one is going to love you if you don't know how to learn yourself. How you love yourself is going to teach people how to love you. Treat yourself the best.

8.Change is going to be hard.
Getting into new college, surrounded by new people, adjusting to different environments is not going to be a smooth ride. It's going to be hard in the beginning but push yourself to grow through these times. You will only emerge brighter and stronger

9. Everyone is suffering.
No matter what,everyone around is fighting some battle or other. Don't pity yourself nor anyone else, instead be full of love and empathy for others. Always know you are not alone and be kind. There will be days when you will be a ray of sunshine to someone.

10. Attend those freshers party, trips and movies.
Don't sit with netflix. Go out, travel, take that small trip with your friends, execute that plans.Meet new people.It sounds extreme when you are an introvert but that is the whole point,to step out of your comfort zone.This is the time to gather experiences; more importantly this is living life.

11. Sleep is important.
Don't wait until last minute at 1 in the morning to finish that paper you have due tomorrow. You have time if you don't procrastinate. Give your body the rest it deserves.

12. Don't stress.
You'll most likely forget about it within a few hours or days. Just breathe.
13.If you need help, ask for it.
It could be help with school or just asking for advice, but it could also be help with more serious issues. Sometimes asking for help can be one of the bravest moves you can make.

14. No one is perfect, but don't hold shitty friends around consistently.
It is important to make someone smile everyday but don't forget you can also be that someone.Cut out negativity if it takes a toll on your mental and emotional well being. Walking out of any toxic relationship or friendship is courageous. Do it. Do it for yourself.

15. Don't pay attention to people bringing you down.
There are always obstacles on the path of success, wellbeing that you choose for yourself. Believe in yourself. Don't let anyone take away the confidence you hold within. Be affirmative to your decisions.

16. Don't try to be different. Just be you.
Many people say do something extraordianry to standout, but often forget that every human is unique. Just being yourself just the way you are will make you different from others. Remember no one is like you. No one can be you.

17.Defeat everything with a smile.
Something or the other is always going to be thrown at you. There will be good days, great days, bad days and days when you don'twant to socialise with anyone. Everyday whatever happens give yourself the best smile.Learn to be happy without any reason. Learn to smile even if there are no jokes cracked around. Be enough to make yourself happy.

18. Never ever give up.
This just doesn't mean academically. Don'tgive up on friendships, relationships or any other things so easily. Always try. Never stop being good even if that doesn'tcome with acknowledgement.

19.Everything is temporary.
All the highs, lows, happiness, sadness, the best moments of your life, the crappy days of your life,tell youselfthat this all is temporary. If the good happens try harder to acheive best and when the bad happens never fail to acknowledge what the universe has offered. It has all led to be whoever you are as a person today.



Profile of Wajahat Mir
Wajahat Mir  •  5y  •  Reply
You're one lucky 19 y/o Good stuff
Profile of Bhavesh Lodha
Bhavesh Lodha  •  5y  •  Reply
Sahi hai