How Do You Know If You're On The Right Path?

Prateek Chovishya
Apr 05, 2019   •  61 views

"You know you are on the right path when you are not put in a position to betray yourself."
-Caroline Myss

An inevitable part of the journey is the end and the last point on which your journey ends is your destination where you would have reached by taking all the hardships all the pain all the criticism and when you reach that point you'll have the greatest feeling in the world like you have surmounted world's greatest mountain or have touched the deepest of the deepest points of an ocean that feeling is all for what we basically exist for what we thrive.

Keeping all the philosophy aside and coming to the reality how do you exactly know if you are on the right path?As the quote by Caroline Myss states that you know you are on the right path if you don't have to put yourself in a position to betray yourself well that being said its again too deep and philosophical basically you can determine if you are on the right path or not, by simply seeing whether if the things you are doing are doing are making you uncomfortable or if you have to lie about them but simply in some paths lying is not so bad if deep down you know that you are doing the right thing atleast that's what I think.

Some tell-tale choices that determine whether you are fulfilling your divine potential or not are:

  1. If you don't have to betray yourself for it.

  2. You feel a sense of value or worth and see it being reflected back by the envioronment around you.

  3. You don't feel the need to compromise on the Big Deal Stuff.

  4. You are confident in your choices.

There are also some choices or feelings that you will get that will wanna question if you are on the right path or not,these may include:

  1. The situation at hand is costing you your power.

  2. You feel empty.

  3. You feel wildly confused about where your life is going.

These may be some of the tell-tale inner voices that you may hear while you are not walking on the right path.

In your journey to sucess you will always face difficulties,situations that would wanna pull you back to your comfort zone to your shell but to have success everything that you desire you have to do the extraordinary, walk the extra mile, do what nobody every thought that you could ever do and let your sucess speak for yourself,let your path be an inspiration for someone.One thing that you should never do whichever path you are on is never give up because never giving up is your gratest power, a power only you have your control on. So dream big aim high and remember to never give up.

