There is no one who can create a time machine and go back and screen your old life until you are in a movie. but you will always want that childhood movie to be replaced. The best thing about childhood memories is the fun which we enjoyed, lived and loved.
Childhood memories always taught us something which stays with us until the end of our life. Ten years we always wanted to do something great we wished and loved those dreams.Some people accomplished those dreams some didn't but we didn't give up on the dreams, because something you did in the past still inspires you today. The reason childhood memories are the most outstanding because they shaped our lives, they determine the character and the determine values too. Childhood memories shape our lives and make us who we are, being the ones that will stay etched in our minds for all time.
Remember the fact it was just childhood and it was having fun and doing so you made a future. The memories like going to school were such a hectic task, waking up every morning, taking a forceful bath given to us by our mothers, and then with a rotten mood going to school were who at that time knew that we would make the most our beautiful and also some sore memories.
The memories of eating some food like the ice golas that when we grew up now sounds a childish idea. Tirelessly playing outdoors in the summers in spite of constant scolding from our parents we would still play day in and day out, but now even walking for asmall distance seems like an exhausting idea. Over the years we grew up but the innocent child inside us in ways refused and still longs for freedom to be set free in ways that will only bring joy to us. In life no matter how older we get one thing we must never forget to live is those little moments that gave us immense happiness in our childhood, the moments that probably still are more fascinating than say winning a grant or so, the child that still resides in all of us should never die or we'd lose the very essence of life.